I am advising AGAINST 3 year contracts

vzw has their marketing department calling up current customers and offering a 3 year contract that gets you 100 bonus minutes on a current plan.

I HIGHLY advise AGAINST doing this.

Reason? NO ONE can help you once you do it. NO ONE. Not agents, not direcct, not telesales. (edit: not online sales either)

what i mean is that you cant upgrade your phone, cant add a line, cant change your plan WITHOUT going through the VZW marketing department. on top of that, they do everything by mail.

so lets say you signed a 3 year. now you want to get a new phone. you are eligable for the upgrade discount. you mosey on over to your local store (or to my store :wink: ) and try to get a new phone. sorry. have to call the marketing department.

ok, so you call the marketing dept. you tell them you want a new phone. it requires you resigning for 3 more years (because you are already on a 3 year. they MAIL you a MANUAL contract, which you have to fill out yourself (let me tell you, i HATE doing manual contracts, they are a PITA). then you mail it back to them. then they call you when they process it (which may require you to call back to push it through) and you pick a phone while talking to them. better already have a phone picked out, because you cant see what they look like or play with them over the phone. not to mention they will push whatever phone they are told to for that week. then they send you the phone, in the mail. you are looking at a turn around time of ~2 weeks. dont like the phone? mail it on back, call them up, pick out a new phone, they mail it to you, blah blah blah, so on and so forth.

you get the point.

CLIFFS: dont sign a 3 year contract, its bad.

this is one more reason why i love sprint :wink:

I love Sprint too (been a loyal customer for 9 years) but mad props go to VZW for their network, speed, and equipment choices. If money was no object, I’d rock VZW.

The reason they’re doing this is they’re afraid in 2 years everyone is going to have wi-fi phones that use VoIP.

Cell companies will be a think of the past in < 5 years.

3 = bad 2 = better 0 = best

i dont even do 2 year options, i like the 1 year plans even though the phones are a bit more expensive. i dont like to be tied down to a plan for so long.

2yrs is long enough to wait for an Upgrade. im counting down the days untill my contract is up, my phone has been thru everything even a swimming pool… its on its last leg.

I just sigined my first 2 year contract… I normally sign 1 year ones… but since I"ve been with cingular for like 4 years I dont see a need to do the 1 year and pay more for a phone… plus I got a sweet deal on a Slvr, Cingular FTW.

yea i’ve started off with vzw then to at&t then to currently cingular. i signed a 2 year contract with each one. except at&t i was able to break the contract after a year to switch to cingular. i think after i’m done with cingular i’m goin back to vzw, they have service in more places, its easier/better just going to the store and haveing them fixing the problems then dealing with the customer service over the phone. 2 years is long enough… there is no way i’d sign for 3 years. but i’ll pass the word along

It’s not like they are forcing you into it…


All i read was “i like inferior cell phone service and customer support because I am cheap” from you sprint humpers.

guys, this wasnt meant to be a debate as to which company is better. this was meant to warn people with VZW not to sign 3 year contracts.

if there are more posts going off about which company is better im gonna have to ask management to start deleteing posts


damn a 3 year contract! thats retarded… they better make the phones cheap as hell for that long of a term…

As stated above, you get more minutes.