wow, month to month available on VZW

[LEFT]All Business (corporate and employee-liable) and Consumer customers are
eligible, except Federal, State and Local Government (corporate liable only)
and pre-pay

[LEFT]Effective, September 21st, 2008, a Month to Month Agreement option is available
for new and existing customers:[/LEFT]
Paying full retail price for equipment
Providing their own compatible equipment


perfect timing, I’ve been wanting to ditch AT&T


Wow. Ive always wondered why the industry never offered this if you choose to use your own equipment and not take a discount on hardware.

Hopefully other companies follow suit.

You what they should have is a REAL expensive phone with free service for the life of the phone. I’d buy that.

ps: I finally got rid of my RS sprint phone lol

this has always been the case of wireless providers overseas.

The only problem is that overseas people got no problem purchasing the phones with full retail price.

Some of us still complaining for paying $100 on a brand new phone.

fuck that, i like to change phones way too often :stuck_out_tongue:

:tup: too bad I am no longer with VZW.

Sooo… did VZW just sign their death warrant or will this help them…

Either way, for the first time in my life, im thinking of switching to verizon when my contract expires.

Now the big question is, for a current subscriber with less than a year remaining, who wants to switch to month to month, does the current price go up any? Since they would be on month to month they would be free to port out to a new provider if they wish correct?

There is no risk on VZW’s end with this. Contracts were there to help subsidize the handsets.

you cant break a current conrtact to go month to month…

see attachment.

Yeah, thats what I mean. I have always admired VZW’s market development efforts (The IN network and all) but dont they mark up those phones like crazy? What kind of hit will this take on them or am I just bassakwards?

nah even at full retail no one is really making any money on them. This could open up that market though like the GSM guys.

I got confused by this:

[LEFT]September 21st, 2008, a Month to Month Agreement option is available
for new and existing customers:[/LEFT]

this stinks of desperation.

yea. there is really no advantage for existing customers. you can always buy new equipment at full retail and not be locked into a contract, that’s nothing new.

the real advantage is for brand new customers.

I wonder how this will effect their commissions?

Eh, I’ve been month to month on both of my last 2 carriers. Just don’t renew when your contract is up. They will continue to honor the pricing, and you have no contract.

Great for someone just signing up though.

How so?

Take a look at any of their quarterly reports for the past few years. not a single bad one, most of them showing best in industry growth.

This is the next step for “any device, any program” / android / global service.

This isn’t a sign of desperation, it’s a sign of getting with the times. The Sprint lawsuit in California is just going to be a precedent for contracts to eventually go away. VzW is just beating the competition to the punch by doing this first, much like we always do.

The other thing this is doing is making a bold statement. It’s our way of saying we don’t need contracts to keep our customers, the customer service and network is enough to do that. Remember when we launched Test Drive and everyone thought we were insane?

As far as commissions go, I’m guessing sales reps will get 25% of the activation towards sales dollar quota. Or get nothing and it just retires their net activations quota.