That is true, but would you go so far as to call it a “ricer” or “cheap” modification? It did brighten up the engine bay a bit, not that there was much to show besides a plastic engine cover and some surface rust lol.
The main reason I picked them up is because I bought them at cost and knew that they could easily resold for what I paid for them if they were in good condition. I lost $8 or something like that by selling them lol.
By the way, check this out
I think it’s coming along nicely, I’m typing up in Word what I’ll put in the “Services” section today :up
EDIT: there’s some technical " r/n" shit that’s popping up now, shit wasn’t there 10 minutes ago and I haven’t even edited anything on that page :bh:
website design is a SHIT load harder than it looks, and Singh did all the designing, I’m just editing the freaking text :rofl