I am oh-so-glad to be leaving the Altima "tuning" scene

i think that coupe looks alot worse then the ser altim’sa

Actually I guess nobody makes them yet, I was supposed to make one for his car like last year lol.

Now you’re sounding like PJB. DO IT already.

that car is the tits

Kramer we were all there once. Dont even say you werent.

I’m sure he’s not, but I do not like the way that car looks. Sorry to disappoint, but you’re not changing my mind by throwing up pictures :smiley:

My grandma has an 08 Altima Coupr 3.5 CVT and I’ve driven it many, many times, both with her in the car and without her in the car… :ninja …and I think it’s a nice car, I like the interior a LOT, but I like the way my car drives better, even with mine in stock form.

And as far as thinking a 4 door Altima looks better, this is ENTIRELY subjective, but I like the way this car looks a LOT, I (as in me, personally) think it looks better than any 2 door Altima, stock or modded. You probably think differently, and whatever, that’s how you feel, nothing I can do to change that.

I’m confused… do what? Sell my car? I had the stock mufflers put on yesterday, I’m putting the front suspension back to stock this weekend and the rear next weekend (probably), then the only thing left on the car to take off before selling is the short shifter lol. It will be up for sale soon enough.

We were all where? In a “ricer” stage? Yeah maybe when I was like 12, but name one ricer thing I’ve actually went through with and purchased for my car… that’s right, there isn’t any.

The only thing that you could possible in a million years stretch to call “ricer” were the Nismo oil fill and radiator caps. Those were real parts not some ricer replica shit and complimented a Nismo intake and an immaculate engine bay (minus the rust… I’m not going to miss that :rolleyes: ). Other than that, please, do your best to think of one thing that I ever considered doing or actually did to my Altima that was rice.

A pic for those who don’t know me/my car very well:



You gotta agree that metal oil caps are stupid. Yeah, I want to burn my hand or have to use a glove to add oil to a hot engine.

That is true, but would you go so far as to call it a “ricer” or “cheap” modification? It did brighten up the engine bay a bit, not that there was much to show besides a plastic engine cover and some surface rust lol.

The main reason I picked them up is because I bought them at cost and knew that they could easily resold for what I paid for them if they were in good condition. I lost $8 or something like that by selling them lol.

By the way, check this out


I think it’s coming along nicely, I’m typing up in Word what I’ll put in the “Services” section today :up

EDIT: there’s some technical " r/n" shit that’s popping up now, shit wasn’t there 10 minutes ago and I haven’t even edited anything on that page :bh:

website design is a SHIT load harder than it looks, and Singh did all the designing, I’m just editing the freaking text :rofl

did you ever fix the hood prop? :rofl

:rofl:rofl:rofl not yet. I need to pick up a few bits and pieces from the dealership (little clips and shit) so I’ll be sure to pick up an new clip :smiley:

hahahaha that night was funny.

“wtf is just broke?”


It’s not ricer or cheap, it’s just annoying when you are trying to add oil.

Site looks good. I’m eager for your photographer to take some pictures of my car. I’ve got some much better locations for pics then my ghetto ass driveway that are within a few minutes away.

I know I was like, “wow… are you serious???” :rofl


Yeah he’s really pumped, too. It’ll be a win-win-win, I’ll get really nice pictures of how my work looks, no more point-and-shoot crap, you and your friends will get great pictures of your cars, and he’ll have more pictures to add to his portfolio for college. :up

Are they done with that BS construction in the town square or whatever you guys call it yet?

Yeah, that road that you had to drive up that was all tore up is finished, but of course there is other bogus, non finished construction nearby. You won’t hit any of it on the way up, though.

Is that rust?

:rofl :rofl

Clearly rust on an 05. how it rusted so quick is beyond me.

It’s all surface, but yes :frowning:

Not underneath the car :rofl

lol kramer i recall someone saying
“Ill be going 12’s by the end of summer” and i dont mean rami
also “Im buying mufflers not for performance just for sound”? o really


… sickkk argument!