I bought a 2007 STi in hopes I could continue my lifestyle of turbos


I am losing my shirt on my car

It’s b/c of the big rebate Subby offered last year. If/when Mitsu offer’s a huge rebate on the Evo X’s…the prev. gen’s will fall.

If I wasn’t increasing my insurance from $900/year to $3,500 - I’d probably be interested in buying one.

350 ----> 370?


because up until that rebate sti vs. evo pricing the sti was almost always 4-5k higher for comparable cars

If it’s a “turbo lifestyle” shirt I will so buy it off you.


20 bucks says you won’t buy any other car for ~3 years.

nope, need a bigger car

09 wrx, MS3, or used STi(new or old style)

I have one of those free STi shirts and some duct tape?

oh, i was referring to the reason why you’re taking a hit. Are you attributing it to the 370?

No shot.

Hopefully, it will be relatively soon. I’d like to put a majority of my liquidity down on a house though. Buying a fun car and using money to reduce payment on a 36 or 48 month loan with minimal interest and high insurance isn’t as important to me as putting it down on a mortgage. I have to be smart and I don’t have the luxury of having my parents buy me a $25,000, 15 year old car. :slight_smile:

Plus, I have a pretty rockin’ DD that I’d like to pay off.

nope, attributing it to HORRIBLE trade-in values as well as the amount of newer Z cars still sitting on dealer lots. I don’t think the 08 350z sold very well. Values are dropping hard.

which are based on auction values BTW. lol.


is the market polluted down there?

I’d imagine you should be getting high teen’s :gotme:

all I read was “blah blah blah, I wont take the bet”

ftr, I bought my car working 16 hour days between 3 restaurants while living on my own :wink:

yeah, exactly

idunno, doesn’t seem that anyone is able to move these damn cars. dealers and private parties can’t do shit.

I can trade it in for 15k, but I have a hard time with that since I paid 20.5k a year ago

on a loan, secured by mom and dad. <333333

I’m not knocking you. I couldn’t care less. I just don’t think you have the legitmacy to bet against someone who needs to make smarter financial decisions than you.

I’m just glad that Toyota hasn’t thrown a $2,000 rebate on the 09 Highlander’s yet. I’d be PISSED if I missed it by a couple months, not to mention it would make my 09 worth atleast $4,000 less.

Wrong. Paid in full myself.

And I’m not saying you’re making bad financial decisions. Living at home is an awesome way to save money. I’m just saying, you’ve been bullshitting us about buying several cars (IS-F, c5 z06, 370z, v8 rx7, STi). And just like a misbehaving pet, the less we pay attention to your antics, the less you’ll engage in them.

You’re right. I ended up buying a DD which cost’s more than all of them. (Other than IS-F) So it’s not so much talk, rather than ideas that don’t end up making sense after thinking about them a little more. It’s not like I talk about them and then buy a 00 Impala.


I’d rather have a nicer DD, rather than a nicer toy I drive 4 months out of the year and pay out the ass for insurance. I mean, it’s not like I’m rocking a sports car and DD’ing a 140k mile Lumina. I’m not about being hood rich. Every vehicle I’ve spoken about buying didn’t make as much sense as my recent purchase. :gotme: