I dated mad mature girls...

NICE! I had …eehhh…this friend …once dump a full glass of coke on some random stuck up chick in PA. :slight_smile:


was your friend actually you?

I’m walking out of a bar and going to my car. Some girl dressed in all white, talking on her cell phone is walking toward me. When she is like a few feet from me I’m say something like “damn you’re gorgeous” (can’t remember the exact words) I say it right as we pass eachother, she turns around and yells “Fuck off!” My instant reply is “Whatever you Gay Bitch!”. A this point she’s still on the phone and tell’s whomever “Ohh no, he didn’t!” (with some real Ghetto attitude tone). Turns around, and starts walking toward me. At this point I’m getting into my car (the back)with Dozer at the wheel. She runs over to beat me in the head with her purse, I duck, then I take the 32oz. coke that I just bought and not even had a sip off and dump it all over her. She looks at me like WFT just happened, as I close the door and Dozer takes off :headbang:



“Whatever you Gay Bitch!” :rofl:

:rofl: yesssss

once again


but good zappage or ownage…!!

ahhahah…thats awesome…I wanna go to 80’s night next week! ahha

ex’s that try to piss you off but dont succeed are funny… you can just laugh cuz youre the one who dumped them for somethin ghey they did…

your ex just sounds pretty psycho from all the stories you tell hahaa

nice way to pwn her back :tup:

…btw…were those the shoes you wore last night?? ROFL

the shoes were pretty beat anyway, and they needed to be retired. i just left them at the bar and went home barefoot… i took a picture of them before i left tho. lol. they had a good run. they both had holes big enough to put my hands through. lol.

i would have been pissed if it was the saddle shoes.

BTW: if anyone wants to donate some size 10, 10.5 shoes my way, that would be cool. i dont buy leather shoes, but ill take free hand me downs!!!

Donate some money and we can donate shoes back


can i mail you my size 10 dc shoes? or do you emo kids not weaer skateboard shoes?

i will wear anything. i <3 shoes.

here i will post some pics tell me if you want… if not then meh to you too…

ok here thy are NEW MAN…


shit, if you dont want em, ill pay shipping. but i dont wanna take your last shews…

i think i have some airwalks i wore like 5 times you can have

um i now work at abercrombie and fitch so i gotta wear sadndals all yea around lol i wear a size 10 and a half… but these are 9.5 for some reason they fit so i know they will fit you… cause all the rest of my shoes are 10.5 except these ones… and my toes are at the ends of my 10.5’s

lol and you may even live closer… lol

altho newman i will be upset if that biatch does smething to these… then i will be forced to “FINALLY! the CUBAN HAS COME BACK!!! TO BUFFALO!!”

and lay the smackdown on here pop-washed face candyass…

when I read the title, i figured “mature girls” meant older women, like grandmas… So i was wondering what the hell the thread was going to be about.

yo, teh broad that tossed his shoes in the shitter is like 67.

i think the only reason he was with her was so he could get a discount on coffee at BK

ahahahahah roger that.