I dated mad mature girls...

hahaha u made her change her s/n

so i am an accountant…

and i have a whole floor full of accountants laughing at this shit!!!



so wheres the nudes


that will teach her :lol:



bahwhbwhabhahahahah… post the pics! !! !! !!

im not posting pics. jeez.

Fellas, he will crack!! I know it.

your name just came off my christmas card list


Thats kinda not so cool of you. If i had an ex-girlfriend that was a flaming C i’d post pics of her. or give her 2 black eyes, and post video of that.

i dunno. i dont really want to stoop to that level. thats something she would pull. im trying to be mature, but the convos were just tooo funny.

The time for maturity ended when she put your shoe in the toilet.


:word: .

Maturity is overated :roll2: and “I am trying to be mature” is something that boring people say. Great thread though, I have no idea how you deal with her and her BS newman :shoot:

yeah, she changed it hoursssss ago :frowning:

hahahaha that’s awesome

new screen name = XoUglyWithAidsXo


ok so this just happened.

needed to kill time before i had to pick my dad up at the airport, so i met my friend at the mall after i got out of work. amy works there at a hair place. we walk by, i dont even see her, but walker does. Whatever. we wind up in the food cout. im eating a taco, amy walks by, whatever. i dont say anything, i dont really care. she leaves i finish my food, we are just chilling. so some dude comes up.

Picture: white v cut t-shirt, shaved head, kinda heavy, latino looking. talks like these guys: http://www.seinfeld-fan.net/pictures/episodes/the_soup_nazi/the_soup_nazi009.jpg

make sure you use their accents in your head while reading, my voice is kinda prepubescent sounding… use that too

the guy is shaking and red and looks like he is ready to explode.

“excuse me”
“were you harassing amy at her job”
when, today? no.
“did you call her a slut… a… bitch” (voice goes real high on “bitch”)
i didnt even look at her today dude.
“did you, or did you not tell people that she has aids”
“did you or did you not!” (aggravated)
:laugh and shake head:
“you think this is funny? if i hear that you are saying anything to her, its your ass”
my ass?
“yes, your ass”
ok, whatever dude… (should have said something like: ‘why, are you gonna fuck me?’)
he walks away. i wave.
“do you have something to say to me?”
nope, im just waving
“go ahead and wave”

so then we are leaving. we have to walk by the store to get to where we parked. the guy sees us and gets all sorts of fired up. he starts saying shit which i cant hear, i just keep walking with walker. he starts following us with some broad. but then they drop back. We came in separate cars, whatever, they are gone, i get in and drive away. i get a call from walker. The fucking followed him in some POS taurus piloted by the girl. They follwed him to the 190 or so and then left. i am still not sure if it is a joke or not, but it was fucking funny.

Was it this guy?


better watch out cause i heard “Vin Diesel excavated the entire Chunnel with his teeth and a brillo pad.”