I don't get people

I have been following this story thanks to FB friends for awhile about this poor dog. I don’t understand how someone could do this to anything none the less a great dog like this one.


Fucking faggots out there, man. That 2nd picture brought a tear to my eye.

wow man , people are fuckin heartless fucks .

i dont understand why someone would do this to a dog when they could of just brought it to any animal shelter and they would of taken it for free.

thats fucked up.

That dog sure has a strong will to live.

i cant even begin to say how upset this makes me, facking scumbag dog owners will be killed

here is an update that i just saw regarding the lady who abused the pup they have upgraded the charges!


dude thats super sad. wtf. i hope they assrape the living shit out of that bitch. you know shes a ****** too.

Fuck that waste of life bitch, I say she’s the animal that needs to be in a cage

Shit like that makes me wanna rage out and choke ******!

I can’t even click that link because it’s probably animal abuse. This shit makes me rage so bad it’s not even funny. To hurt selfless animals is PUSSY shit, and you need to get fucked up.

But I like animals more than people, so go figure.

This…love my dog to death, def more then people LOL

Can’t stand to see shit like this, seriously makes me get very emotional.

As someone else stated, I don’t understand why people do shit like this when they can just bring it to a shelter.

this +1. i dont get it

agreed everybody. The good news thus far is the dog is recovering very well. Videos and pics are being posted on a constant basis. The public interest in this case of animal abuse is huge in the media and it might prompt lawmakers to but more sever penalites on abusers of animals. If you can post this on other boards try to get word out pls. More attention on this the better IMO

Seriously need to up the sentences and fines that come along with any animal abuse. Minimal community service of 500 hours cleaning animal shelters and road kill off highways, pay all bills to make the abused animal back to health and should be jail time and more fines as well. Fucking pieces of shit need to be beat with a bat covered in barbed wire and alcohol.

yup def class act in excuse dept…drop dog off at shelter if you want someone to adopt it!!!

So horrible, if you treat an animal that way, you deserve to be treated the exact same way.

That’s just despicable how someone could do that to an animal.
But that is one strong hearted dog to stay alive in the condition he started out in

Yeah that one got me too. Some people do not deserve to be alive.