I feel...well...wierd just for thinking about this


yeah, but how would a jetta hold up hitting a concrete wall at 70mph?


That video sure makes it look good, but it’s pointless. Without a G-meter in there the fact that the passenger space held up means nothing. I can almost guarantee that anyone in that car would be dead after that crash because all their internal organs would have shifted after such a violent stop.

I would never put someone I cared about behind the wheel of one of those, regardless of imaginary world crash rating it gets. You can’t engineer real world safety into something with no crumple zones. Sure, you can super reinforce the cage so you aren’t squashed like a bug when hit by an SUV, but now all the force of the impact is getting transfered to the occupants.

Old cars (50’s and 60’s) were made the same way. Build it like a tank and you could run it into a wall at 40 mph and it barely looked crashed. The people still died though because the human body can’t go from 40 to zero instantly. You’re going to see the same kind of deaths as these smarts and other ultra compact but ultra reinforced cars become popular.