I fucking love my Sprint Mogul

fuck your blackberry. The internet just went down at work so i was dicking around with the new custom ROM on my phone… it has this program called WMWifiRouter. It sets up an ad-hoc wireless network using the data connection on the phone for internet access. :bowdown:

Just as fast as if I were connected to the network here at work.

edit: Just did a speed test. 827kbps down, 145 up. Not bad considering I’m barely keeping an EVDO connection here in buttfuck Kittanning. Cant wait till Rev A. is more prevalent. People are pulling 2500kbps in major cities. May not even need to bother getting internet service at the new place in OC!

oh, and they just released the new official ROM, which officially unlocked true GPS and EVDO Rev A.



i’m still not sold on windows phones…i prefer palm

IMO palm > windows > blackberry

i love my Centro.

You’re back in Ktown?

the first smartphone i ever had was a 700p. Fucking HATED IT. Took it back and got a 700wx. That thing was a hunk of shit too, but not as bad.

upgraded to the Mogul a couple weeks before it was even released to the stores. It was admittedly rushed to market with a lot of bugs, but between the developers on XDA and PPCGeeks and this new official ROM they just released, it’s very stable, MUCH MUCH faster than it was, and it just loaded with all sorts of delicious customizations and programs. Try that with PalmOS.

since october, nigga.

I’ve had a 650p, hated palm, the 700w was nice but froze all the time.

I just downloaded the rom from the XDA forums, forgot i had a login there, had to play with ICS but i got it to work, need to test my speed out.

It’s gonna work great for work tho.

broadband everywhere you have cell service ftw.

Nice, I had sprint before I got this job and canceled my phone, but Sprint was always good, I never had coverage problems like I have with VerASSon.

I may get one of these for myself. I have Verizon for work, and it’s been extremely shitty lately.

Plus they have txt blocked on the company phone, so half of my friends don’t communicate with me unless I call them.

for reals! I want to get a centro but my 755p contract isnt up till sept so Id have to pay full price for one :frowning:

I dont think the centro has wifi

if your skinny ass has never listened to anything I’ve ever typed on this forum, listen to this:

If you’re thinking about getting a smartphone, get a Mogul. or XV6800 or whateverthefuck Verizon calls it. The possibilities with it are fucking endless. One of the silliest, but most useful things it can do is you can program one of the hard buttons on the phone to be a toggle switch for the camera light, making your phone into a pretty decent flashlight. The only thing it’s cant do is suck your dick, but I’m downloading BLKP42E.exe as we speak, so soon that will be covered as well.

dear god your right in our backyard.

where you working at?

I still :love: my iPhone… even tho it could use a few improvements.

dahn tahn west kittanning, son. wanna meet for lunch?

i understand. you can’t pull nearly as much man-ass with a Mogul.

Wish I could, but i’m stuck working downtown burgh.


So if I trade in for a Mogul I will get an invite to the pool party :dunno:

