I gets mah lean on...

You know what I think you told me this before…well then I can’t help ya lol. Only other thing that comes to mind would be heavier front springs to keep the nose from diving so hard. BUT that means you definitely need shocks first. So yea your approach would be a good start I think. For a smaller rear bar could you steal something off a base C5?

PS- the car looks awesome man, I’ll root for ya! There’s some very fast local STS guys coming out… and a wicked good ‘vette driver takin’ a co-drive in a STS car too. So if you get whooped by Shawn Breese just buy him a fat bottle of tequilla and it might help the next day. :wink:

Thanks! Though my car isn’t the one going I’m co-driving my friend’s civic. Its just a little better setup, radio & AC delete, exhaust dumps after the driver, etc. Mine has a radio, no AC, and a full exhaust. Plus I don’t have a way to tow it there. He’s 189 and I’m 89 (Though the SCCA site screwed up and it doesn’t show me on the entry list, I’m still registered). He’s got the 650 springs on his car also, so adapting shouldn’t take much. I’ll keep a eye out for your friend, though I think everyone I know is going to Nationals to drink :beer: My first time out so I’m just going to have fun and hope I don’t suck!