i got this problem!!??

so i was driving my beater and i was street racing, and this cop pulled up next to me and nodded his head like he wanted to race. so i droped a gear and my “turbo” spooled and i “fist tailed” and side swiped his car. so he pulls me over and tells me i have an improper muffler. AND HE GAVE ME THE TICKET…

what shood i dooo im scared

Make sure you change your headlight fluid.
Take it to court and tell them your flux capacitor was over heating, and the loss of balance from the headlight fluid caused you to “fish tail”.

They’ll understand.
It’ll be dropped like NOTHING

Not quite sure what to say thar…


Its your starter…


im going to hang myself

in other news… PANTALOONS RACING?

im so confused…this seems kinda retarded…haha…

u should get kenny to be your lawyer

just tell em its ok i know what im doing…

You have a bad ground somewhere. 100% sure.

no no… there is a bee in ur car

did you forget to change the air in your tires?

you know that summer air in the winter…spells disaster backwards officer.

retsasid? lol

hahaha nice

the issue is the wieght imbalance… too much weight on the driver side… made it fish tail… less traction on one wheel.

you were driving like that cause you had to poo real bad


Call the Kids Help line. They should be able to help you out.

ur late for the world series game. and ur up to bat first
ur moms in labour with ur child

ur pregnant and need to get to hospital quicktimes