i hate crooked mechanics.

I wanna add…since I see it alot. I know alot of people want to “learn” how to work on automobiles.

BUT, when they either fuck it up BAD, break something in the process, strip something, ect. and bring it to someone that KNOWS how to REPAIR it correctly and bitches about the cost or the time it took (to figure out WHAT THE FUK you were trying to do) it pisses me off. Its rediculious,. People must think mechanics just wave their Jedi hand over a car and know whats wrong or can twitch their nose and the porblems come forward or repair themselves.
As far as bitching about prices…you gotta look at a labor book sometime. Some of the costs will make u realize why I drive older cars. :wink:
Plus on the mechanics end…a job (esp. on the newer cars) says 3hrs book time…it take a good 4-4.5hrs no matter what the book says…u lose out after the 3hr mark.
Life sucks most of the time…deal with it.