i hate crooked mechanics.

anyone who complains about markup doesnt know anything about running a business. yeah it might cost $1.50 in “materials” to make a pizza, but they still use their oven, and kitchen to make it. i can make a pizza at my house for $2, but i dont feel like it, so i pay $15 for one. Sidejobs are cheap cause you only get reimbursed for your time, but when you have taxes, insurance, electricity, consumable parts/gases, and are liable for everything that happens…if you provide insurance for your employees… its expensive. i do everything myself, cause i know how, and its not worth it to me to pay so much for something i could do for the price of parts.

some people just feel good having a shop do their work. a kid i work with’s girlfriend needed brakes, just front pads and rotors on a sebring. her dad paid $700 to have it done, when he could have done it for $60 in parts. whatever.