I finished a glutton at work before. Got it loaded with hot sauce. (Rice inculded, that was dumb.) I begin eating on my lunch break. Stuffed myself. Resumed at 3. Finish at 4:30. Went home and curled up like a (happy) little girl.
my father had to drink that liquid stuff last week for a colonoscapy (sp?) and he comes out of the bathroom and says to me “i didnt know i could piss out of my ass too” lol i could not stop laughing
sometimes i get really hot so i have to get naked to shit…it really helps everything flow nicely. i think everyone should try it and get back to me!!!
my friend dan gets 100% naked everytime he shits…ill never forgett the tie he was in the bathroom hammered @ brauns and some ranom guy walked in to piss and he left the door unlocked…man that guy got a surprise!
Now that made me laugh. You should never sit on the toilet long enough for your dump to harden on the escape chute.
well ill be damned… no wonder i always have horrible moist ass during the day after a large dookie. im always taking 35 min dumps… never thought bout that
well i prefer the courtesy flush for myself…no need to sit and smeel your own shit. but while we are on this topic, is it better to recieve a blumpkin in a port-a-jon or in the comfort of your own bathroom? i was once asked this by my boss at john and marys…he was a wierdo