I just saved a bunch of money switching to.....

I got a letter in the mail from AIG as they teamed up with my union, OPEIU, to offer us a discount. I was skeptical, called, and I am saving about $700 a year. Yeah, Newman, I told them I had a perfect record, they gave me a quote, then when I went forward they asked for my SSN and license #, found out I had a ticket where I said “F it, give me the points as Buffalo does not offer school.”, and the quote was adjusted a bit.

I use All State. I get the best rates with them for Home + Bike + Car insurance. Even pricing each out individually I couldn’t get what I have with anyone else. Living anywhere near metro Atlanta hoses your car insurance rates though… :sigh: Oh well. Pay2Play. I also carry the highest liability I can and a 250 deduct…

the price you pay for being famous

$4000 shit thats alot

540 for 6mos full coverage on 2 cars

$48 for the suby and $23 for the truck per month thru progressive

610/6months for full truck/car

clean license

i think allstate is pretty good

never had a problem working with any local office, either. they typically seem to know their shit :tup:

allstate: 969$/yr for 3 cars with comp. 290$/yr homeowners. 28, married with clean license.


$43/month with Geico for virtually no coverage, but I’ll be looking to switch to All State this summer when my policy expires. I think I may be able to get an even better rate.

Thats not absurd, taking into account 10 points. Yikes. I’m sure you have full coverage on the range and sti.

The sti is one of the most expensive cars to insure. I’m sure the range rover isn’t too cheap.

I’m on my parents insurance, with one accident. 2 points and 2 seatbelt violations i pay $1800 a yr for full coverage on a 2008 wrx and i’m 20 years old.

fwiw i just punched in my info and got a quote from gieco for 925 for 6mo. which is not bad at all for a 20 yr old.

and for shits and giggles, i punched in another quote…saying i had 2 dwi’s, illegal street racing violations and driving on a sidewalk
i’m interested how much that wil be

I dont know if i filled something out wrong… but F’n progressive wanted like $300 a month.

With geico im paying $174. But I feel liek i could be getting better.

I’m 25 with one accident. I idled into the back of a car when I spilled a bottle of pop in the car. All that happened was a scuff mark and a plastic clip broke on his bumper. But I looked it up and it was reported as being over $1000 in damage. I gotta look into alternatives soon.

The plastic clip broke meaing that the bumper was shot. So they had to get a new bumper, which is probabally $500~, and then the bumper was just black unpainted plastic, so it had to be painted, ~$450-$500. $1000 isn’t that much damage

Newman I have 6 points and 2 accidents [totaling my s-10 (comprehensive since it was a “act of god”) and when the vette was rear ended]

My total for the year with 100K/300K full coverage on the vette with glass is just shy of $1K. I do not have full coverage on my Jeep though, but I may be adding it in the near future.

With my old bike and my quad it was around $1150 for the year. I’d at least call them and get a real finalized quote.

$2,200 for the V in MI where it is No F-ing Fault insurance. Also the V is also in the top tier for theft and accidents.
It used to be $2,500 but now my accidents and tickets from 3+ years ago cleared my license.
Now I just wait a little longer for 25 to hit and it will go down some more.

CTS-V, such a NICE car.

Holy shit, I didn’t think anyone paid more than me on here.

Yeah i suppose that would have made sense…