I know there's some webxperts in here... Help???

Not really a problem per se, but I have an issue I created for myself.

When I set up my site on the webhost I just switched to, I made it so my main domain is no longer what comes up when you type in the name of the site… Probably not explaining very well, so I’ll put it this way:

Used to be, I would type http://www.domainname.com and my site would pop up.

Now, I have to type http://www.domainname.com/gallery for the site to come up.

Is there a script or file of some sort that I can put in the main directory that will automatically “forward” people to the correct web address when they go to the site?

I really don’t feel like trying to move things back into the root directory, and potentially losing the 4 hours worth of screwing around I’ve done tonight…

Any ideas?

Figured it out… Helped when I realized that the proper word for what I was doing was “redirecting”.

2 lines of code & it’s done… Thanks anyways though…

awwwhh :smiley:

oh well glad you got it, you did a htacess redirect or did you do some html/java script redirect?

Don’t know what the hell you just said (LOL), but I just googled “HTML Redirect”, and copied & pasted the following line into my “default.htm” file…

<meta HTTP-EQUIV=“REFRESH” content=“0; url=http://www.yourdomain.com/index.html”>

shrugs Dunno…


Don’t worry Nick, there are people (like me) that get paid a lot of money so you don’t have to understand.

lol comon u know what i said, so u done an html redirect

ok cool :slight_smile:

oh ok good
as long as you make money, to pay me, to fix ur car
