I love wal-mart !

After dropping a trailer off in Nashville,tennesee. Head north just outside louisville, kentucky. Pick up a trailer, heading to wal-mart filled with whitout and desk supplies. Thankfully, I just went to the dmv 3 weeks ago and got the haz-mat endorsement. ( takes 2 weeks for the backround blah blah blah )
Just to haul large quanities of whiteout :rolleyes:

Well anyway, get to wallyword the guys are unloading ( about 3 hours )
Thinking WTF! i have 2 hours left on the logbook to drive. nah i’ll rest at wally world in the parking lot and get my 10 hours of rest in, after unloading i pull way in the back of the store. Watching saw 2 on DVD, i Doze off in the middle of it. about 4 hours later i hear a loud pounding on the door.
Thinking ok, Maybe i did not sign off of something. Go to the drivers door and see a dude in a police uniform. :eek:. Sorry to bother you, but you can’t be here!. HUH?!?!?!?! why not, you are idling. HUH?!?!?!?! what does that have to with sleeping? I’m about out of hours and cannot drive to my next stop.

Well, we thought you where planning your next route out and seen you on the cameras. No I am sleeping. Shut your truck off, Wal-mart has a no idling policy. At this this point i’m not gonna argue, I’m tired and not heading 30 miles to a decent spot. Shut the truck off and slept.

THIS WHOLE IDLING AND KILLING THE OZONE BULLSHIT HAS GONE TO FAR. Walmart of all places can’t even sleep in peace :nuts:

do you have a turbo timer in your vehicle?

:greddy2: :greddy2:

u should know wal-fart sucks after gulfport MS,still only been to wal-fart once,to get the wife flowers at %:30am when no ones there!

I can’t believe they sent a cop out b/c you were idling.

I like it for the late night urge to buy a movies. I just picked up Talladega Nights and Idlewild.


That blows donkey cock.

i know a lot of places don’t allow idling. but still ridiculous.

why do you need to idle?

I doubt it

I still don’t shop thier because of that reason.

maybe a rent a cop

Number of reasons
Very cold nights, It gets cold in the truck no matter how many blankets.
Risk the chance of dead batteries, Very Hard startups and so on.

interesting… when are we going to start seeing pictures of the places you have been?

O god NO! Don’t ask him that,he would pull his pants down n be like…well that open lil fella is from texas and a girl named steph,and this lil bump right here all the way outta michigan from a lil one named jen o and over here this wart is actuallly imported from mexico and a lil girl named leguanza

there is not one part of that rambling that was funny. I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.


English is becoming a 2nd language now:rolleyes:
I was handed this before i could pull in


Soon, havent taken much.

I’ll go with D, all of the above.

this is the worst thread ever.

How can it be? Every other post from u is this garbage about worst thread ever…i ma beginning to think u don’t really know how to read and thats about the only thing u can type,hell u prob juts copy n paste it seeing is how that would much simpler for ur simple mind:kekegay: