allrite long story short, i just got back from shooting some
paint on the side of my car and i can already picture this.
1 3.78L automotive enamel (it’s not tremclad i used proper automotive paint)
2 1L medium reducer
mix them, put it in the black and decker stain sprayer
and paint, don’t forget sanding down with 320grit before
comes out just as glossy, you can’t screw up like with conventional
rattle can (wavy, darker and lighter spot) it comes out nice and evenly.
Make sure you shoot from like 3 feet apart…
other than that, pics will be up soon.
It cost me 100 bux for above 2 items… well i had the black and decker
stain applicator from before but that was only 50 bux so
hahaha just give me a day or two, i still haven’t even gone back,
when i wrote this post was like 5 mins after i mixed like 300ml just to see what happens and i just got too excited, i came upstairs and i got lazy lol
going back downstairs in 5 minutes…
yes… i live in an appartment lol
and yes… you can call me ghetto
just came back, i’l prlly do a formal write up but
i should’ve never used a plastic cup to pour into before i poured into the container on the gun, cuz it melted, gun was slowly getting clogged
and now i’m having hard time cleaning it out, as i add on more and more coats
though, it seems to get more and more orange peelish, my very first coat was exactly just like factory paint…
i guess i put on too much? but anyhow i still like this method way way way more than the roll on.
(i painted my crx roll on… heck of a time)
Anyways, it’s gonna be hell of a time wetsanding, i’ll do a formal write up
once it’s all done which should b like sometime this weekend considering my schedule
My colleague in the office is working with a German based company for an aerosol, water-based rattle can application.
We’ve tested the products on new BMW’s with incredible results.
It’s BASF paint in a 4 part application that is actually intended for automotive applications.
if you guys want the inside track i can give you the vitals. I would think you could actually buy the stuff off the rack if you can find the right place.
This is an actual testing procedure for a line of applications that will be used all over Canada for new S&D concept.
There are panels in the office right now where the paints were used, cleared or uncleared… the finish would pass for a damn good redo