I need a bike lock

Need a good lock

Everyone seems to love this U lock :


And I don’t plan on going to bad bad places with the bike.

Or, a good ol’ chain and lock :


What do you have, what do you recommend, am I a dumbass?

Oh, btw, I plan on riding in NYC…

try posting this in the bike forum, youll get more replies :tup:

^hahaha hahahaaahahaha

does it have a quick relase front tire? if it does you might be better off opt’ing for the good old chain and lock that way it can be weaved thru the tire/frame while chaining. Then again u locks are nice and they seem like they might be more resistant to bolt cutters , and its got a nice 3k insurance policy not that i think they will pay up.
If thives want that shit bad enough theyll find a way.

so flip a coin either one will do the same job, but whats easier to pack and take along

I have heard nothing but horror stories about bikes in NYC. I would suggest a u lock cable combo to make sure everything stays where it should be. Also if you have a quick release seat take that with you or it will prob go missing.

Are you not able to bring it into your office? I’d hate to leave that thing down there. Not that’s its a horrible area for it during the day.

option number 2.

either one is fine. just think of how you want to transport it. I rock a u-lock, rig it up on the seat stay. if you want the chain, just rock it as a belt.

your two choices are great. anything less would be garbage. but those 2, are the 2 best options. either way is straight

Yeah, this wouldn’t be for work or some shit, this is recreational.

I’m mainly working out of my Stamford office now, with occasional trips to NYC every couple weeks.

I think I’m going with the chain, I can get that shit around a lot wider array of anchors that way.

The bike doesn’t have a quick release for the front wheel, i have hydraulic disc brakes.

I’ll be taking the seat whereever I go lol