Well, looking to get your “dream car” ASAP, or if your “dream car” is a 99-04 Mustang GT…thennnn idk :lol

But, no you are very incorrect on “blowing 1-2k on a Civic and not getting it back”. You can find a deal on a 92-00 Civic and drive that and get 35+MPG until you find what you want after saving a bunch of money and most likely sell that Civic for 500-1000 more than what you got it for given it runs great and has no major rust/damage etc, and given that you got a deal on it. Trust me, I’ve done it many of times which is why my winter car/daily has always been a Civic. You most likely won’t have to put any money into it.

Just don’t be a dope with your money and you’ll be fine. Don’t go buying any Honda you see because you think its cheap enough, like Murrdog9000 did and spend $1,200 on a jalopy that you’d be VERY lucky to even get that back out of it on re-sale.

Also if you’re driving your current Mustang everyday now, why sell it. Just drive that until May or so and then get something and maybe by then there will be more money in your bank/pocket to spend on a nicer car.