I need a new battery

Optima Yellow, or a normal battery?

Anyone know local places to go to get a battery, and not cost a fortune?

What do you recommend?

I do run 2 12" subs with 1200 watts.

u dont need a yellow. the red will be fine. the yellow oes are made mostly for off-road trucks and other vehicles that are desinged to have the battery mounted at strange angles and they are desinged to take a lot of impact. if this is just your Daily Driver, then all u really need is the Red Top. if you have a system, get a good Capacitor and you’ll be fine. no need to spend the extra money for something u dont need.

All optimas you can mount in strange angles. The redtop is like a normal battery, the yellow is a deep cycle. Deep cycle would help more with your stereo ( if you like to listen to it with the car off )

so where can I get the optima batteries, and how much are they?

a normal battery is fine

yellows are for deep cycle for people with systems…

i stand corrected.

Advance on Sheridan near NFB usually has a couple of Optimas in stock. How long did you run your system on your dead battery? How old is the battery? You might just be pissing away money on an Optima. Nitroinsane tends to know his shit…

optimas are great for anything that demands alot of power. if u have a system i doubt it requires a optima. a cap would be alot cheaper way to go. theres 2 things that are good about optima batterys. you can mout them any direction because they dont have battery acid,and that you can drain them down to nothing. when recharged they will have the same voltage wheres as a conventional battery when its drained down and recharged you lose voltage. for 160 dollars a battery i think your better of with a standard conventional battery

I have an optima and it does a MUCH better job starting my car in the winter than a conventional battery. It squeezes more CCA into the same battery size which is nice.

Optimas are AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) batteries and will not leak acid because the acid is soaked into a fiberglass mat and rolled into a lead grid.

There are other companies as well that make AGM batteries such as oddesey but they are arranged in a panel arrangement instead of rolled cells. Orbital batteries are the same concept as optimas.

I would shop for somthing that has the reserve capacity you need as well as adequate CCA.

Theres nothing really special about Optimas, Orbitals, or Oddesey’s. The AGM design just allows you to have more engergy density in a smaller package. A smaller optima will perform as well as a larger traditional battery and vice versa.

To answer your question a optima yellow top has thicker lead grids for deep cycle use. They are designed for running trolling motors, campers, or anything else that will discharge the battery to almost completely empty.

The advantage is that the lead grids are designed and are durable enough for multiple deep discharge cycles. The disadvanatage is that since the lead grids are thicker the surface area is decreased and will not provide as much burst power as a red top.

The red top is a starting battery it has a finer lead grid for higher initial power output. The lead grid has more surface area and thus is designed to provide burst power such as starting a car.

The advantage is higher inital power output. The disadvantage is that if you deep cycle the battery alot you will reduce the life of the battery.

For your application, unless you plan on listening to your stereo with the car off with the volume all the way up a red top would be more appropriate.

Great info right there^, I don’t know if weight is a concern, the yellow is 17-18lbs heavier than the red, I have red & I’m happy with it