**I need advice**


chances are if he got caught after escaping he will be in there for a while longer and tight security so he cant escape again…so if ur still living at that address 5-10 years from now then worry…until then its really not ur business


werd… best advice (or get the hell out asap)


If he’s in Colorado, and you are in Florida - conditions of parole are generally “you can’t leave the state”. If he shows up at your house, call the cops, he’s violating his parole.

Good point. Sounds like a crazy situation though. Your safety should be the most important thing, if you feel that you may have a problem you should put some feelers out and try to find a new place. It is a while down the road so it isn’t impossible to find one.

you’re a nosey little bitch aren’t you? i can’t stand people like you. go fuck your best friends boyfriend and get some of your own drama. seriously, piece of shit girls like yourself really cause nothing but headaches for all those around you.

the dude only weighs 175. he looks like a winner. i’ll beat his ass if he shows up. haha. actually i have some buddies down in orlando who im sure would come protect ya :slight_smile:

but really though, if your friend is telling him she wants to be with him, then screwing other guys… not cool. even if the guy hasnt committed any violent crimes in the past, you never know. but i’d be honest, bring it up to her and see how she reacts, then bring it up to the other roomates.

well it looks like he has a kid or children that he doesn’t take responsiblilty for, obviously has a problem stealing credit cards and just burglary in general, escaped twice…I’d be most worried about him stealing from you if he ever came over and if he tried escaping from prison i’m guessing he isn’t going to care much about staying in Colorado when he gets out. I’d say wait until he actually does get out and if she says anything about him visiting (cousin or not lol) say you don’t feel comfortable having strangers come over and then if she can’t respect that…move out. maybe start preparing now. I wouldn’t tell her you found any letters or anything. Just let it go for now. things might change by then…atleast you will be prepared if need be. and Newman…STFU. you are the biggest drama queen ever!!

online drama is not real life drama going through peoples shit and flapping her yap. mad girls do this kind of shit… and some bros too. either way, who cares about some shitty fat bitch. Maybe she’ll get some of the much needed dick she probably needs…

I was waiting for this :slight_smile:

didn’t want to disappoint!

Actually i’m not. But thanks for the assumption. If you read correctly, I was cleaning and I picked up the notebook, the card fell out, here I am. You can’t stand people like me? This is the ONLY advice thread i’ve posted on here, and to be honest it’s not like you really contribute much to this forum either so don’t be such a damn hypocrite. Don’t call me a piece of shit when you don’t know anything about me, or what’s going on. You’re making assumptions and adding your smartass bias into all of it while topping it off with being a dick. I should have known such a low and sad comment would come from you.

OMG it accidentally fell out, then you accidentally read it, then accidentally decided to do something about it. I don’t have a problem with people posting advice threads on here, shit, i do it all the time. it’s the sticking your nose in other peoples business ( kind of like i was doing here ) that bugs me. But i mean, shit, at least it wasn’t some hog looking for some pole, yadidamean?

How do you know she didn’t know this guy before he went in the klink? It seems there is alot she isn’t telling you. I’d hurry up and try and find out any secrets about her ASAP so you can let us all know. Thanks!

What you just said, is EXACTLY why i’m not bringing it up to her. Because I know she’d say the same thing. Automatically assuming that I just went looking through her stuff. I told my roomate and she picked up the notebook and THE SAME THING happened. And FYI, if your roomate was dating some dude in the slammer, wouldn’t you want to know?

Man, a whole house full of nosey bitches. glad you’re in another state. and, no i wouldn’t care, because it’s NOT MY BUSINESS! OMG, what a novel concept! Privacy! It’s her deal, fuck off of it.
