I need some opinions on this

I used to scrape pulling into my driveway at my old house i rented, and that was my car on a moderate drop, forcing me to park it on the street everynight :banghead, if the roads weren’t fucked around here, id say go lower

yea, i know how it is man. the last place my sister lived at, oh man! those speedbumps were like stairs. they are VERY narrow but very tall. each time you drive into the complex, you have to go over 2 of those fuckers. shit’s are like /, actually, yes, thats the shape now that i look at it. her husband didnt notice them the first time and just SMASHED into em in his accord. My car couldnt make it over them without scraping HARD on the previous springs i had, its lower now. I used to go into the oppiste lane as i came in so i could drive nearly off the road to have just one side of the car go up on em. I was looking under my car and my exhaust seems to be the lowest point. right about midway on the car.

What did you mean by “tucked”? did you mean tucking tire or wheel?

ohhhh, that. hahaha, no. see, if i go lower with bags, theres going to be a BUUUUNCH of work thats going to be needed with this car. I’m going to have to somehow tuck in the exhaust more. I may even end up with oval pipes so it keeps the flow the same or better, but a “flat” pipe will give me a good 3/4 more inch under there easy. Now, I cant go and do what Rusty did with his BMW, I still need my interior and complete functionality, but I would like to lay it flat, still. Definitely going to need to install some drag bars or something similar so theyre the lowest point(even if by a little bit), just to make the car sit on them like little feet, because i dont want the car slamming into the ground with 5000 pounds of force each time i would park and lower it all the way down, ya know?

Also, do you guys think 19s would help me out a bit? What I mean is if I grab myself a nice set of 19x10s and use like 235/40-45 tire on those, would it kind of lift my car a little bit, so I can compesate by lowering it a little more with the bags? Say, my lowest point is 2.75 inch off the ground, right? With 19s and slightly taller tire the lowest point would go up to 3.75(completely random numbers here, purely for example), so then I could take that same inch down in the suspension. Which means the lowest point of the car stays at 2.75 inch, but the wheels go up into the car that extra inch and make it look an entire inch lower and not making me drag the car? Mind you, I dont know if i’m even thinking this through correctly. I never bagged a car, so I am asking you guys. If this question and my thinking is completely wrong, please tell me and tell me if theres a way to do what i described. I think that it’d be a good way to push the wheels up into the car more because I really like that “tucking the lip” look when its completely laid out at the lowest. Maybe 20’s are a possibility, Rotiform makes some nice looking wheels, but I am not entirely sure about their quality. I dont want another BB5 incident. I appreciate the help given already, guys. Thanks for that, I really appreciate it. I dont want to rush into this and start hacking and cutting into the car only to find out Im doing the whole thing wrong. If you know anyone or even somebody who knows this one guy/girl who has a car like mine bagged but still completely drivable, please let me know. I would very much like to talk to that person.

Ehh, I just think that’s too stunty. Like, if you pull up at a light next to a minivan full of kids and a Soccer mom, they’re just going to look over at you and be like wow, this guy probably drives like a dick and cuts people off while leaning over in his captains chair with his right hand on the wheel in the 10 o’clock position.

by “stunty” you mean being on 20s and tucking tire? I actually DO lean back in my captains chair, but I do it in every single car I drive. I move the seat back and lean it back at like a 45. It’s just a comfortable position for me. I mainly drive left handed, but at 9 o’clock, cuz my steering wheel has those indentations for fingers there or at like 6:30-7 o’clock.
Oh, by the way, do you have AIM?

I used to be able to fire my uncles AR-15 fairly accurately. Probably still can, but I haven’t tried in a while.

eh? o.0

My aim is pretty much spot-on. Srs.

What does the gun have to do with my questions about bags?


soooooo…what? 19x10 is too big?

ask on audizine

buy a truck and leave it stock so you don’t make anymore threads like this

i actually dislike em

OK, then here’s my advise. Look around on the forums… find an A6 that looks real nice. There’s also several companies that make specific fitments for A6’s. Hartmann, Raderwerks etc. Lower the car as much as you want… whether it’s static or on air. If you think it’s too low, then it’s too low. If you want it to be slammed, then don’t complain about the scraping. As long as it’s not your oil pan getting blown apart, the car will be fine. You may have to replace some parts faster being really low, but that’s all part of it. Stop asking other people what will look good and go do what you want.

Im not complaining, actually. It doesnt scrape when I drive, I try to be carefull. I just wanted to test out that one bump, to kind of…IDK gauge it. The reason I ask so many questions is that I want to know as much as I can about it. I dont want to be one of those people who shows up at a shop and simply says “make it low” and tosses a credit card on the counter. I want to actually do the work myself as much as I can, I want to know what is where and how everything works. As far as scraping around, I would like to avoid it, as much as possible. This is why i mentioned drag bars or something on the bottom. id rather replace those every 4 months than actual car parts. I completely realize that this isnt a lowrider/bagged/slammed24x7 type forum, but theres people on here that do know some things about that. I also realize it’s much easier to just say “Vadim, youre an idiot”, than to actually type it in and explain how all that works. I dont expect people to do write ups like i did. I ask questions, because I dont know. I figured that’s at least one way of finding out new info. I guess trying to learn things about your car isnt something ppl do on this forum.

It’s not that… it’s just that the info is out there. I almost traded for an A6… so I did research on them… and found A LOT about wheel fitment/lowering etc.

Do you mind sharing some of your resources? I’m always down for just reading about stuff. Im actually reading about the new JX amps JL made.