I need some opinions on this


thats nice, but it needs body work. im trying to not touch that. at least now.

So, a couple of days ago I was driving around with a friend. He feverishly alerted me to a small speedbump ahead of me in a parking lot I was slowly moving across. It didnt look big. I decided to test it out. Being the paranoid guy I am, I went at like 1/10th mph across it. I estimated it to be around 3-3.5inches tall, my friend insisted its lower. He said it’s like 2 inches. Creeping slowly across it, my car lightly touched it in two places. I’m thinking it was exhaust flanges. This is another reason I cant be on a static suspension as low as that picture shows. I literally will tear the car’s belly apart coming out of my driveway. It’s MUCH lower underneath than it appears to be.

I left two half inch deep ruts in a speedbump in an OCMD parking lot this summer with the MR2, it’s either you have the desire/“balls” to be low or you don’t, roads suck everywhere.

your problem is you need to learn how to drive a “low” car…

i can get into the hess on rt9 by northeast acura NO problem, no subframe hit, nothing on my lowest setting… you gotta articulate that shit

my exhaust hits everytime I drive my car.

evetually flanges wear down from the road, and dents form where they need to be formed. It wont kill anything unless its your oil pan.

OUCH. what part of the car scraped so much?

There’s two ways in there. Im DEATHLY scared of the one thats just a sheer drop. The other one isnt as scary lookin, but i avoid that place. also, book me for a “driving lowe cars” class.

Gladly my oilpan isnt that low, but still, I’d prefer not to damage my car.

Also, this is the speedbump in question

i guess i can take you for a ride come spring time when its lowlow again to show u how i drive the car

Please! Also, maybe you can go for a spin around with me in mine and tell me and show me how that works as well. I’ve never had a car this long before. I really dont mind that it’s low. im not complaining either. I dont really drive fast anyway, maybe on highways, but otherwise it’s tame. I just want to learn to navigate obstacles properly with this car so i dont damage it. it’ll be easier on bags, cuz i can just lift it, but for now I’ll need to know how to visually gauge things, so i know not to go over stuff thats too tall for it.

Just hit steep ramps at an angle. I used to 3 wheel my RSX doing so but it worked. I think I had about 3.5" or less of clearance from the front lip.

Your car scrapes now, but you are asking if you should lower it.

Do you have an extra 21st?

Will could hook you up Im sure. :thumbup

my front bumper isnt that low. the very bottom of the car is though. im not so worried about the bumpers on mine. no lips on this car out on the market.

a 21st what? it doesnt really scrape, only if i try tall things. and by tall i mean things that are like 4 inches. prolly wont go over a 4 inch bump :slight_smile: but like i said, the bags solve my problems with clearance plus i get to go all the way down parked.

The angle approach works :thumbup
Try it, 45* or more to whatever you are trying to go over.

pretty much sums up my driving

yup, need to talk to him. we did a feature on his car on night-import.com

yea, i tried that speed bump at 45* haha, gonna need to practice with some 2x4’s on some flat parking lot. see if i can learn how to do it better.

You should see the speed bumps at my apt. My stock height car scrapes nearly everytime. Yet the old hags that bitch about the “damn kids going to fast” are the ones that launch their buicks and fucking stupid s10s off them. Did I mention a s10 owner hit my hatch this morning? I hate old people and peed bumps. /rant

personally I would raise it up a bit, but I don’t like the tucked look. It does look good as it sits though.

Low driving in a sentence:

If you can’t avoid it, drive over it slowly at an angle.

