I need someone knowledgable of Eagle Talons!

My name is Letty. I am new to this forum and I need some help/advice! I have a 95 Eagls Talon Esi auto. (please no hate comments) and ive been having a couple different problems arising lately. if you have had an Eagle Talon or are very knowledgable of this kind of vehicle, please please hit me up! Thanks ~Letty~

try posting in Gen auto. about some of the problems. there are a few DSM guys on here.

Welcome Beth! And devioustsi is very knowledgeable pm him!

Also what’s the problem?

BURCH it and be done.

You mean torch it and walk away?

Hi welcome to the forums. There are a few DSM guys around here still.

Post up the issues you’re having with as much detail as possible so you can get some advice to solve the issues at hand.

Well I have a 95 Talon Esi and I bought it back in June. And btw that guy who basically said to “burch it and be done” needs to be slapped… But anyways! Ummm yeah ever since I bought it its been having problems keeping idle. Basically it just dies, either when its just sitting or when im slowing down at an intersection. Now ive given the car a FULL TUNE UP, (plugs, wires, oil, air filter,) the works… But still never fixed the problem and now its getting worse, in fact now even in the mornings it has a hard time starting and staying running unless I keep giving it gas. Ive replaced cheap parts such as the Fuel Filter and PCV valve (which had been sucking in oil). But it still didnt fix it. Now idk if maybe its a faulty injector or Fuel pump??? Idk. Im on my phone and so I cant copy and paste this unfortunately so maybe you could post this on Devioustsi’s page? maybe he would know?
Thanks, ~Letty.

I think Evan is in love. Lol

I know next to nothing about DSMs so for all I know this might be a stupid comment. But could it have something to do with the MAF?

Also, take the nasty comments with a grain of salt. The douchebag to decent human being ratio on this forum is like 10 to 1.

Oh yeah, welcome.
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I think you may have misinterpreted this comment. Burch IS Devioustsi, that’s who you should see.

Probably the idle air control (iac) sensor. When they go bad, what your describing is exactly what happens.

This is funny.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!! oh man. i have to say i lol’d.

burch is a man, a man who is very, very good with dsms. anonymity was trying to help

1st date or 2nd date?

well we have a little anger issues? let me help you, PM dawn, she will help.

so newbie, Devioustsi’s = gary f’ing burch! when I replied “burch it and be done” he will solve any DSM problem. If you live in WNY and own a dsm he most likey owned/ worked on that car at some point…

I kno her you clown, just didn’t kno she was going to sign up in here lol, I also didn’t kno she was having issues with her car? But as bobby said it sounds like the iac

Hahaha sorry, I thought the guy was saying to burn it. Lol. My B! Soo anyways, thanks CarbonFiberHood guy! I will definitely try that! :slight_smile: and yeah Evan I deleted my Facebook cuz it was too much drama and people just had nothing better to do than diss me. WELL THANKS GUYS! I will definitely take your advice! Crossing my fingers that it is just a small fix. Thanks, ~Letty~

Thanks guys I very much appreciate all the help and friendliness. Thanks CarbonFiberHooded guy for the Idle Air Control idea! I will be sure to try that out on Friday! If that doesnt help, ill be sure to post it! Thanks again,

---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:53 PM ----------

so newbie, Devioustsi’s = gary f’ing burch! when I replied “burch it and be done” he will solve any DSM problem. If you live in WNY and own a dsm he most likey owned/ worked on that car at some point…[/QUOTE]
Im sorry I did not know what u were talking about at first. Lol. But anyways I friend requested Devioustsi and I am waiting for him to add me.

So you were already in love with her? Don’t worry I won’t tell to GF.

Gary doesn’t really come on here i think. if u didnt delete your facebook you could just add him on there. or get his number from someone.
he just had a kid though (not him, his wife duh) so im not sure how much time , if any at all he will be putting into cars for a while.

forgot about that

beth if you need his number i could pass it over to you lmk