I need to learn how to drive

Do you have a red hatch?! I was one of those 10 cars! LOL! It looked pretty cool, btw. Wish I had my camera!

Glad you didn’t fux up your shit!

Damn buddy.
I think some drivers need that moment to knock a little sense into them
I was one of them.
(I once had a ford focus and thankfully no one was hurt)

Glad you made it out fine
Just have to learn to relax behind the wheel a bit.

I think this will go on my list of reasons to not build my car

I’ll abuse the hell out of the power :confused:
and I don’t wanna pull a russian.

(i like the mspaint diagram with smoke)

its kinda crazy how a freak accident(or near in this sake) can really knock some sense into you. and i will get flamed for this…someone up there was lookin out for u, when its your time to go its yoour time to go, and fortunently it was not time. i still catch my self driving way to fast and then ask my self “what the fuck am i doing, im risking mine and others lives”

so pretty much what your saying is you can only drive your car in a straight line?

j/k glad to see your ok dudebro.

it is prob cuz u still oww me those brakes//…

good to hear nothing happen,

You still coming to auto-x next weekend? you can replay the whole event for us. Glad you’re ok bro!

you have to watch the throttle lift oversteer with that car.
that car is not at all forgiving… lifting off, or braking in the middle of a turn will put it backwards quickly.

well look at it like this. you have learned the limits of your car now…learn from it and be lucky you did not smash anything up.

holy shit you tard…

glad ur OK!

Glad you’re ok. By next week your driving will be the same again. We all do it. :slight_smile:

what would I do without my best friend :lol: glad you are ok

Glad you aren’t dead beck… I think god has your fate decided already which is probably you at the end of some father’s shotgun because he caught you banging his little daughter…

no good, no good at all. its good to know you are ok, and that you learned a lesson.

i dont think this is karma or anything else, you just arent experienced enough to know how to avoid this situation, or correct it if possible.

i doubt anyone here did when they got their first car…and some people even lost control like you. i know i was not experienced enough to drive the way i did when i first got my car, and luckily nothing like this happened to me.

this is why i think EVERYONE should compete in auto-x events, and do so in their own car or something similar. having experience with your car on the edge (or slightly past it) in a controlled environment has incredible value, especially if you are an enthusiast and plan on driving “spirited” in the street.

:tup: Good idea.

no offense, but this is just a prime example of why you (in the general sense) shouldnt asshat around, especially somewhere like a thruway onramp.

others could have been hurt or killed, not only you… very lucky.

1le > honduh.

shit happens…you can either get over it and learn to drive better or not.

i would have you on your own insurace after that one buddy

The lesson learned should be…


If you had AWD this wouldn’t have happened.
Sorry I couldn’t resist.:smiley:
I’m glad no one was hurt.:slight_smile:

I dunno about you, but if I lift at all in a turn I can kick the ass end out no problem