I think i am in trouble please help


I find your responses from the other day quite humerous now.

Anyways, I might give the guy a few bucks back especially if the sled had damage you failed to tell him about while you advertised it as being showroom. He could probably still try and sue you for some kind of false advertisement, he knows where you live and who knows who your dealing with really, and you did say you made money off the deal, so maybe toss him a few bucks back to make him go away and try to break even and take it as a lesson learned to thoroughly check over the things you sell and know their actual condition. Sounds to me like you dont know if it was damaged while you had it or not.

I bet if anyone here bought it and saw a hole in a radiator there would be some different responses. my .02


well now that i have more cash freed up lets talk r1 for realthis time