I think i am in trouble please help

So did you or did you not write as-is on the receipt?

You’re not obligated to give him anything. The damage may have occurred after he took posession. Either way that’s just one of the risks of buying used vehicles from private individuals. I’d tell him to get bent.

ide say you both fucked up. if the rad was leaking, it would have been apparent from when u started it earlier. did he not even pop the hood and look around? i mean, if thats case, u could have sold the guy a sled with no motor and he wouldnt have known the difference. then again, you probably should have inspected things closer and made sure it was in good running shape when he showed up. Ultimately, its the buyers responsibility to check that out.if u offer the guy money, and he says no, then revoke the offer and tell him to go shove the sled up his ass.


Anyways, I might give the guy a few bucks back especially if the sled had damage you failed to tell him about while you advertised it as being showroom. He could probably still try and sue you for some kind of false advertisement, he knows where you live and who knows who your dealing with really, and you did say you made money off the deal, so maybe toss him a few bucks back to make him go away and try to break even and take it as a lesson learned to thoroughly check over the things you sell and know their actual condition. Sounds to me like you dont know if it was damaged while you had it or not.

I bet if anyone here bought it and saw a hole in a radiator there would be some different responses. my .02



if you knew it potentially had an issue and if it’s very unlikely that the buyer caused this damage by himself…give him some money back since you did portray it as being flawless. It’s just part of being a good human being.



if you knew it potentially had an issue and if it’s very unlikely that the buyer caused this damage by himself…give him some money back since you did portray it as being flawless. It’s just part of being a good human being.


agreed. Don’t be a dick. put yourself in his shoes. you would be pissed if someone did that to you. He was stupid for not inspecting it better but he trusted you and now you screwed him over.


agreed. Don’t be a dick. put yourself in his shoes. you would be pissed if someone did that to you. He was stupid for not inspecting it better but he trusted you and now you screwed him over.


i love how 90% of the people tell the guy to pound salt, i had no idea the supposed crack was there…i think i am going to get the radiator welded at my uncles shop, buy the man a case of beer and some mechanic gloves. whats to say this did not happen in his possession…this whole thing kinda of reminds me of when i bought my nova and a day later the fly wheel was cracked, i couldn’t do shit about it

well if u didnt know about the radiator and saw no signs of leaking then OK…but you could have replaced the spark plugs for him to atleast start it


So did you or did you not write as-is on the receipt?


yes i did


well if u didnt know about the radiator and saw no signs of leaking then OK…but you could have replaced the spark plugs for him to atleast start it


i offered i told him that i could run to auto bone to get some plugs and he said quote un quote lets just push it in i’m not gonna argue with that

I’d offer to have it welded, but then again I’m quite a fool.



So its cool to advertise something as showroom while it really has problems?

I know for a fact if someone on this forum bought the sled and they saw problems when they took it home there would be a 10 pg thread up if Stroking didnt make things better for the buyer.

“Wha Wha I bought a sled off Stroking but when I went ot pick it up it didnt start so I told him if it didnt run right when I got home I would be back and when I got it home the rad was all f*ed and its 270 dollars for a new one and he said it was showroom condition wha wha”

you know im right.


but unfortunatly its his loss


let him take u to court buy it back for the $400 that the receipt says he paid for it.


best idea ever


i offered i told him that i could run to auto bone to get some plugs and he said quote un quote lets just push it in i’m not gonna argue with that


then his loss

The guy didn’t have to buy it.

If he picked it up as non running, thats what he bought, a piece of shit.

He isn’t going to sue you, thats so stupid.

On what grounds?

He bought an as is used sled, and something went wrong with it?

I would offer to pay for the welding to help him out. Yes he should have checked out the sled first but he did not. You could go tell him to piss up a rope and not give him anything but is that how you would want to be treated if you were him?


This whole thing sounds shady. You sold a broken sled to someone. I guess it’s his fault for not checking it out in greater detail, but at the same token, it don’t sound like you fairly represented what you were selling.




I would offer to pay for the welding to help him out. Yes he should have checked out the sled first but he did not. You could go tell him to piss up a rope and not give him anything but is that how you would want to be treated if you were him?



The guy that bought my Eclipse knew it had a warped head but that it started and drove but not reliably and very crappy. When he drove it Rochester and it died and he called me I wasn’t about to dish out the $$$ to him because he was aware of the issue prior too.

It all comes down to whether or not you feel generous. I probably would try to pay for the weld, but thats about it.

If it was a friend of mine, and I honestly didn’t know about the radiator problem, and he came to me and said “You know, that sled I bought, the radiator had a hole I had to get fixed”, then I’d offer to pay for it.

In this case though it’s a stranger who’s first response is threatening to take you to court for something sold as-is. If it was me I’d honestly ofter to buy it back for the $400 he has proof that he paid you, then tell him to go fuck himself. I hate people who cry “I’ll sue you” like that.


If it was a friend of mine, and I honestly didn’t know about the radiator problem, and he came to me and said “You know, that sled I bought, the radiator had a hole I had to get fixed”, then I’d offer to pay for it.

In this case though it’s a stranger who’s first response is threatening to take you to court for something sold as-is. If it was me I’d honestly ofter to buy it back for the $400 he has proof that he paid you, then tell him to go fuck himself. I hate people who cry “I’ll sue you” like that.

