I think my finger got AIDS....WTF

So I was downtown last night, at a place where I don’t really pay for drinks. (Tab was $25 and there were 47 drinks on it)
This generally leads to some poor decisions, and last night was no exception. I’m not sure about a good portion of the night, but i remember handing the bathroom attendant $10 to let me go in the big closet next to the bathroom with some company.
I remember she was cute, short, and had dark hair, but I couldn’t pick her out of a lineup. In the course of this process, my left index finger was inserted into certain orifices repeatedly.

Anyway, fast forward to this morning. Yesterday i had bit my nail on said finger and there was a little open spot on the side of the nail where it ripped off. Today, it’s fucking swelled to twice its normal size all around the nail and fingertip, hurts like a bitch, and its FUCKING GREEN.

Anyone have any insight into what the fuck this is? You’d think i’d have learned my lesson with the chippewa girls by now.
I’ve never been so glad to have only gotten a handjob in my life.

lol sounds like someone had to much fun


Oh man, I’ve heard of this. I guess you need to quickly rub the green shit all over your penis, or else you will die.





and not for your finger

Your days of finger-banging ol’ Mary Jane Rottencrotch through her pretty pink panties are over!


^hahahaha, thats all i could think of this morning
now i’m watching full metal jacket til the game starts

holy shit man

youre fucked

ganggreen much?

what bar was this?

Could be anything,sounds like you got some nasty vag juice in a open cut.Have a doc look at it.

Cut your finger off, quick!

does it smelllll funny?!?


wow dude wow

holy fuck

subscribed. go see a doctor and update, get pics too

god damn.

:cjerk: HAHAHHAHAHA about the handjob part, atleast you came out with something more than H.I.V

ewwwwwwwwwww you got pillow pants living in your finger tip…soak that ish in hot water and squeeze the puss out and put some neosporen on that bitch.

nasty. don’t fuck around go to the ER asap, you might have a pretty serious infection.

where the fuck are the pics.

try peroxide/alcohol then neosporin antibiotic… bandaid.
and don’t BITE YOUR NAILS.

and are you saying that you didn’t wash your hands from the time of fingering some slut and biting your nail off?