March 18, 2007, 11:36pm
a pyramid is a great way to get stronger, but the reason you get stronger is because you are lifting in the power range. the sets that have 6+ reps aren’t doing anything except prefatiguing your muscles. when you get to the good heavy sets-6reps, 4 reps, eyc, thats when you grow.
i love seing people taking their workouts with so much passion. it is a big part of my life, and i love to share the knowledge i have about it.
so here is the best workout for ANYONE who wants to get bigger and srtonger:
1/-lift only in the 4-6 rep range. thats it(warmups don’t count)
2/-do 4 sets of every exercise
3/-lift heavy-don’t hurt yourself, but if you cut down on reps, you go up on weight used!! ex: instead of benching 225x10, do 260/270x4-6
4/-eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat-each time i said eat should be how many times you actually eat-lots of protein
5-work muscles on opposite days-day1-chest, day2-bis, day3-shoulders, day4-legs, day5-tris, day6-tris
totally understand everything you said here. And pretty much the workout you explained is what i do. My question is, say I got some extra meat on my bones alrdy? Should you eat alot of protein still? or just your basic small meals thought out the day whole grains etc.