Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

totally understand everything you said here. And pretty much the workout you explained is what i do. My question is, say I got some extra meat on my bones alrdy? Should you eat alot of protein still? or just your basic small meals thought out the day whole grains etc.

stay on high protein and just cut out the carbs… that way you should gain lean muscle mass, and not put on extra weight in the form of fat.

i have also heard that low rep range is for growing…but you still need to have high rep range to change up your workout. Atleast for me i could see that stayin on heavy lifting had me plateau and changing it up would probly keep me going up instead of flatlining. So far i only had one high rep lower weight cycle, and since i’ve gone back to heavy, i have gained. i think its working

You may want to edit this may be a typo you have 4 days of upper body push. <aybe you meant:

Day1 Chest, Day2 Bi’s,Day3 Shoulders, Day4 Legs, Day5 Back, Day6 Tri’s

I would say if getting in the gym is an issue here is a good setup…also I like this setup to get more rest days in.

Day1 Chest/Back (I will do 3 sets chest then 3 sets back, and repeat 2 more times)
Day2 Rest
Day3 Legs
Day4 Shoulders,Bi’s, and Tri’s (no need to overtrain your arms here…they get a lot of work on Day1 I like 3-5 sets for each bi’s & tri’s.
Day5 Rest
Day6 Rest
Day7 Chest/Back

There are a million ways to structure an effective workout plan…just make sure you are giving each muscle group enough time to recover. What may work well for someone may not as well for someone else. Just make sure the big lifts are a part of your routine squats, bench, dl’s, shoulder press, rows.

Also full body routines are great to pack on size…there isn’t as much isolation or volume but the key is the frequency. Here is a very basic example of one…keep in mind each day you can add in 2-3 sets of accessory work

Squats 5 sets
Flat Bench 5 sets
Rows 5 sets

Day2 Rest

Power Cleans 5 sets
Shoulder Press 5 sets
Lat pull downs 5 sets

Day4 rest

DL’s 5 sets
Incline Bench 5 sets
Rows 5 sets

yeah, i was just giving an examlpe. i didn’t want to type a long post up about a plan. but my point was never do corresponding muscles on the same/next day.
when i bench, i wont do tris or shoulders for at least 2 days after my bench. for back, i wont do bis for 2 days after.
it seems like everyone has a good workout in place. im not saying anyones is better, but my specialty is powerlifting, so when it comes to the size/mass thing, thats where i am most knowledgable.
thanks for fixing the post. im glad you understood what i meant. ad if anyone has a little meat on thier bones, still eat protein. it will actually lean you up. protein is the hardest thing for your body to digest. you byrn more calories digesting protein then anything else.

Here is a good article on HIIT, the best way to lose fat w/o losing muscle.


Joining a new gym tonight…Lifeforce on Curry Rd. The price is good at $300 for the year so 25 American a month and it is very close to my house…I can even walk if I wanted to. Wen there on Saturday to try it out and it seemed decent…just hope it isn’t too packed since I went on St. Patty’s day and I bet a lot of people were partying.

ok, monday coming up will be week 2 of the HIT program that i’ve started. I tell you what… its intense. really hits you hard.

i didnt really know what weight to start at for bench so i started with my weight that i go heavy on and did only 5 reps before i failed, so it might have been an off day for me. i wanted to target around 6 reps tho so i was happy. then i dropped 30lbs and did 3. then dropped 20lbs and did 3.

i tried similar weight dropsets or strips with other exercises for back and shoulders. fairly quick workout but wow was i beat on.

this past friday was another chest/back day for me and I did the same weight as before. did 7 on the first heavy set, and 4 on the next and dropped 10 more lbs than last time on the last set and did 4. so i was really happy with that gain

^^^ Awesome…I am on my 2nd week as well. Pretty much same deal as you…strips/drop sets. we’ll see after 2 more weeks how I gained.

yeah i’m gonna stick to it another week for sure but depends on how i feel. i definately dont wanna push it too long. i think 3 weeks would be fine then cycle out of it

I’m liking this thread! I just became a facilitator at Weight Watchers :slight_smile: great program…

well i figured i’d update.

another week of the HIT went buy and i feel good about it. i was doing 235 for about 5, and this week i went to 240 and did 5 plus one spotted rep which was my failure. i’m boosting lol

my squats are goin up too which is good. I"m glad my back doesnt bother me anymore so i can do squats again.
And back strength is up too now. i’m like this.
my arms feel good too. i’ve been running the line on dumbells, something like 45-35-25 and it really kills me lol. but i’ve been increasing reps so that a sign.

^^^ Nice results…HIT is sweet if done right

so far i think i’ve done it ok. i dont think i’m gonna continue on it again next week. this week marks the 3rd week on it so i dont wanna over do it. i might go back into my high rep lower weight routine for a few weeks

215lbs bishes!

:gives: If u have nothing better to say than then don’t bother posting…

i got kinda pissed off today…i can never seemto find a time to go in and lift without it being crowded. tryin to do a HIT and i need weights available and they arent there

kids doing DB bench with teh weights i need to curl just sucks ass!!

congrats man!
just shed my first 20…havent been eating well just workin out…if i get around to eating better the next 20-30 should be off soon

jeez must be nice having some weight to play with… i gotta fight hard to gain a pound!!

6am ftw

its easy as hell for me to gain weight, if you look at it the other way, must be nice to not have to worry about gettin fat so easily…

:beer: <–this doesn’t help my situation…but i’ll never give it up!