I thought PA was bad on tickets.

so you would rather they tax everyone?

That’s a tough one. If they’re using the money for road related work, aren’t all the drivers using the roads, not just the speeders/DUIs? If they need money for something that was related to costs because of speeders/DUIs (destruction, medical costs?) then the offender should be paying.

I’d rather they tax fairly.

So you’ve never done 75 on 279N, where the speedlimit is 55?

he has a jeep, prob not.

He didn’t say he never did it- he said they are two things you shouldn’t do. I agree with him.

So what? I know what he said. I asked him a simple question and expect a simple answer.

I would rather tax the people that are doing illegal stuff to lessen the amount of taxes for the people following the rules.

I know it wouldn’t happen like that, the politicians would keep all the taxes high and just pocket the extra, but it looks better on paper than taxing the fuck out of everyone.

Too fast too Jeff—:cool:

This law would inspire me to move to elsewhere!

Ohio >*

Not Commercial Traffic friendly

ok so if you dont drive a car in VA you shouldnt pay the portion of your taxes that go to road work? if i didnt drive… i wouldnt use the road so why should i pay for it…

i cant wait to register my car in virginia…

wtf are you talking about?

that has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.

anything under 20+ in MD is an $80 fine.

just one more reason MD > PA

You’d still be using the road when riding the bus, you just wouldn’t be driving.

Not a problem. Went down for the Rush concert 2 weeks ago, and it was stop & go 80% of the way from the VA border. 4.1 miles in Norfolk before the tunnels took 1 hour 17 minutes.

LQQK Whats going on in Ontario

I lived in VA for several years and believe me, it was like living in a socialist country. The taxes, fees, licenses, etc. It was never ending. I read about a economic study while I was there that determined that something like 75% of the workforce was paid from federal, state, or local taxes. Basically, everyone on a payroll was a government employee in some form or another (or a contractor that worked government contracts).

Also, while in school (down there), I did a school project on speed limits and learned of the literally dozens of studies that showed that it’s not speed that kills - it’s the differential in speeds between the cars on the road that leads to the majority of vehicular fatalities. They call it the 80-20 rule. Basically it states that 80% of the drivers on the road will drive the safest speed for the conditions (type of road, weather conditions, condition of road surface, traffic, etc.) regardless of posted speed limits while 20% will drive at unsafe speeds (either too fast or too slow). It’s the difference in speed between the 80% and the 20% that causes the problem.

What this has to do with VA: I also learned that states that post their speed limits closer to the speeds being driven by the 80% have substantially less traffic fatalities because it forces those self-appointed traffic cops that drive the speed limit, regardless of the traffic flying around them, to actually drive at a safer speed - the speed of traffic. States know this information (obviously), but those that artifically control traffic at speeds slower than that adopted by the flow of traffic do so for one reason: revenue. They care more about filling the state coffers than they do about keeping the public safe. In VA, I remember flying along with the speed of traffic on 8 lane highways at 85 miles an hour while the posted speed limits were 50 mph. And yes, there were people driving the 50 mph! Compare that to western states where posted speed limits are 75-90 mph on highways…