I was trolling around Commerce Gate when ...

Rich! I can still hear your ride! vRUSHHHHH!:R

You got me thinking about boost again… TN kit is quite appealing at the moment, hahah.

Oh shit gf is getting pissed. brb, haha

maybe she’s getting pissed at you cuz she’s trying to have a convo with you and all you’re doing is … vroooom PSSSSHHHHH! haha :slight_smile:

! pretty much on the money, hahaha.

I told her I may get a turbo by the end of this year and she was getting po’d, hahha. In fairness she knows that I was planning to look for a house/townhome, for this summer. hrmmmmm, a roof over my head or boost… hrmmmmm, tough choice. heheh
I could always find another girl, that would cut down on spending.!:smiley:

it’s funny cuz when i was younger (like bmwww’s age) i would have been all for dumping everything into a car, but when you get older priorities change dramatically. i’d say buy a house and tell her she’s not getting anything for the next 5 years and dump that money into the z :slight_smile: nice compromise … hehe

What do you mean by that? I dont remember doing anything wrong… If anything, churchill made more pulls than me LOL

Churchill, TURBO THAT THING!!! You can always live in your car if you dont have a house :rolleyes:

every moment i looked in my rear view i see you charging at me :slight_smile:

I think thats why she was getting pissed! haha, I keed, she makes just as much as I do… So, maybe she’ll get me a TN kit for my B-day next year? hahah, I guy can dream…:rolleyes:

Fook! its so goddamn tempting, but I need to see if its worth voiding my warranty…:smiley:

Good thing we went for that cruise yesterday, cus today is Sh!T!


Just wait til warranty expires… I only have 28-29k left before warranty expires… i’ll probably finish by summer at this rate of driving i do everyday…

Ya, I decided yesterday that I would wait until my warranty has expired.

But I will be getting a 5/16 MD spacer with MREV2 come summer. I heard that its so stealth that most dealerships would miss it when inspected. I will also get some TP’s or HFC’s, instead of going with a full exhaust. I like the stock exhaust, just want more of a throatier growl.

Hey, I just got pm’d about the HKS HI POWER TRUE DUAL for only $1367 US shipped… Think thats a good deal?


Actually, isn’t noodleman’s friend selling an Injen SES true dual with modified x-pipe exhaust for $700?

X-pipe seems to have the best response and sound for our cars. It’s cheap too. you might wanna check into that. I was originally going to buy until i realized that $300 of custom exhaust is cheaper and will do than a $700 lol.

When was this? I wonder if it got rid of the drone?
I would like the Injen or HKS.
I was quoted $867 US shipped, for the injen ses.

noodle’s friend’s in toronto and selling for $700 cnd and i bet u can just pick it up.

I’m not sure bout the drone, but u can find sound clips on my350z.com. gimme a sec, i’ll find it for u

found the links!



and here’s the thread


hrm, still here a drone… Dont think I will take the injen.
Has the dealership given you any slack over your modified exhaust?

haha, you have to hear the exhaust in person, there’s no drone. But then i know the exhaust is sitting in his garage collecting dust now, so i don’t think you can hear it in person.

When he went to the dealership one time to do some recall (fuel hose thing), they complained that the exhaust was in the way, and would charge him to take off and then put the exhaust back on. That was the only problem i’ve heard.

and as a plug, He’s got very low milege on his car (not sure if he broke the 20,000km mark yet) for his 03, so his exhaust is mint.

No drone?..
Would you be able to find out how much he wants to sell it for. If its reasonable, I will def take it off his hands.

I am curious, what did he switch too?


He switched…back to stock. The exhaust was too loud for his line of work, so he had to give it up.

you can check his sale thread here.


^^ Its new asking is $600.

wow… i feel like buying now… $100 cheaper! hahaha

I just sent you a pm.

