I was...


even the toughest gang memebers probably beg for their life with a gun to their head. its not like the A-team is gonna bust in to save you or daisy duke is gonna kick the gun out his hand. you gotta do what you gotta do to save your life and thats ALL you can think, most of the time that means giving up the wallet and laying on the ground or just getting outta there ASAP…unless you are like a cop, they are trained professionals, they dedicated their life to it… you gotta condition against whats natural in those situations.

…unless you’ve had a gun pointed at you so many times you’re desensitized to it. Then you’re a cool customer and deal with it. Take a chance to disarm if possible, otherwise run or maybe draw and fight it out.

But the best place to be during a fist/knife/gun/bazooka/etc. fight is not be there.

Even in white-bread suburbia to hardcore ghetto, always examine your surroundings and be ready to run/fight/knife/shoot if you have to.

Always be aware of your surroundings…always.

U just used A-team and dasiy duke in one paragraph,u are my new hero

lol…indeed that was good and well put

well i forgot to call K.I.T.T. with my watch. lol i just happend to be on season 3 of the A-team and season 7 of the dukes.

This is why no matter where I go, be it Wal*mart, a bar, or chuck-e-chesse, I watch every door and every person.

This size you carry, isn’t quite as important as always carrying.

Me too, preach on brother…

Have you looked into a Utah out of state permit. More expensive, but just about every state will honor it.

This also makes me realize why sometimes I am scared to go places alone. I think sometimes I take things for granted and not think about them. I always thought it was silly when I got in the car, immediately looking in the backseat, or watching my surroundings as I’m walking to my car in a dark parking lot. I was driving thru Clairton one night around like midnight, with my top down. I stopped at the longest redlight ever, and I thought to myself, “what the hell was I thinking when I came this way with my top down.” Its a shame you need to watch every step these days. I feel bad for todays kids. What’s the world going to be like when they are older?

ha the light at st.clair/ miller i bet… that light is forever… and i am definatley a person watcher… i watch everyone and everything… and i get made fun of by my g/f but i def watch everything around.

you really don’t think about anything when someone has a gun pointed at you. I thought I would be able to remember what he looked like or anything, but all I remember is the barrel of the gun. I couldn’t tell the officer much about what he was wearing or anything.

And a concealed weapon would have done nothing in my situation. He had a gun already pointed at me and was only about 3-4 feet away when I realized what was happening. I heard from about 10 people who have said, “if that was me I would have…” and it’s complete bs. Noone knows how they will react until it actually happens to you.

And I was walking back to the office from a job I had in town. I walked the path almost everyday for a little over a year. I know I will be driving into town from now on though. :slight_smile:

And getting into a fight or a gunfight(if I was armed) would not be worth the amount of cash he got. My thinking was, just do whatever needs done so I can get home to my wife and kids. Money and material things(my laptop,phone, $1400 worth of customer’s software) meant absolutely nothing at the moment.

well said,i agree & sorry it happin to u!

x2…very well said. you can say what you would do, but shit happens so fast you have no time to think of anything besides if you are going to make it out of there alive.

HOLY SHIT…during the summer time me and my buddies always rode on that trail down to the city that shits crazy!

more info on this?

sorry to hear

after they rode away-GLOCKCOMA would have happened


and, yeah, the g/f may laugh every time but the one time your vigilance pays off.

some asshole pointed a gun at me in traffic once…

my and the girl were coming up west liberty and some guy was sitting in a parking lot like he wanted to come out, my girl stopped to let him out and he was dickin around looking at his lap with no turn signal on so she pulled forward since he wasnt paying attention… so the guy starts screaming, getting out of his truck and flipping out at the pass side window… so i got out and got in his face and told him to shut the fuck up and get back in his truck, so he runs back, sits down and pulls out a revolver… i just stood there shocked at first for a moment or two then just told him to go for it and shoot me…
he flicked me off and started to drive away and i spit in his face and got the license plate and called the cops, 15 mins later a cop called me and said they have him in the station and that the gun was his father’s , not registered or licensed to him… i told the cop to do as they feel fit cuz i dont feel like coming back to the station to file a report…

I wish i would have seen the cops surround the truck and drag this fucker out and on the ground… :owned:

Again I’m very happy everything worked for your best interest.

But I must say, with some correct training, in real live situations, a concealed carry weapon, can be your best friend. Is it for everyone, no. But then never is driving fast. It really comes back to how much you practice. How you practice. And what you practice.

When we are out my husband will not sit w/ his back to the door…always facing the door…

sorry to hear about this…but I figured why there were no cops around…they were all out teaching people how to hook up trailers.:smiley: