I wonder when an Atheist, Agnostic, humanist will be able to run...

i can count on 2 hands the number of people i truely beleive live “more holy” lives then i do. lets of people have a good STORY about how good they are and how well they follow gods word, then 6 montsh later you find that for the last 2 years they have been sucking dick for $

but at least when shit goes wrong (aka gods will) you can go beg for him to change it (pray) and not bother to try to change things yourself

when i was in school in wyoming i met a girl named Crystal, very smart girl, full of enegry, full of DESTINATION in life. if theres one person i met out there that i knew would get out of that shithole town it was her …

sometime after i left some traveling preacher came through town, turned a boatload of people into born agains, got all the donations and free food he could and left town again

Crystal was one of those people … and now she can quote bible verses to justify why shes a Laramite for life … shes never gonna get out of that town because shes gonna wait for gods will to get her where she needs to go in life

ugh … /rant

Can’t be true; Adam and Eve weren’t even on the earth that long ago.

I dont get why religion should even be a topic of discussion. Believe what you want. Do what you want. Religion is a joke plan and simple. Just my opinion. Never been to church or read the bible nor do i plan to. If i wanted a fairy tale i would read peter pan.

First off, that is your opinion and you, nor I have any idea as to “what the answer to the great question is.”

Im glad you believe so firmly in what you feel is to be true, and in some cases, if people are enlightened in that way, at least its better than the ones who hear little snippets of what may be true in science and just abolish what they find to be their already dwindling faith.

By the way, many sects of Christianity believe faith goes hand in hand with science these days as things are proven to be true via science. The days of Galleleio (sp) and what the church did are over, as people do know that the church WAS the military for the longest time. That was an example of terrible leadership within the church and I am personally so happy that the chruch does not opperate that way anymore (and obviously the cant in this country lmao).

Let me ask you… If there was a religion that promised a great afterlife and your only expnse would be just live your life exactly how you do now… would you claim that belief?

You may say no to that but bet your ass that if all it took for you to get into said afterlife, is nothing, you would be this religion from the start. This explains my laziness theroy.

im not trying to say what people believe is right or wrong, you are saying religion leads to many wars and violence. its not the religion, its how people interpret the religion.

“The End of Faith” also seems like a very atheist biased book.

Its not the Islamic faith, its corruption associated with it, people “use” God as an excuse. “Oh we are doing this for God, we will be rewarded blah blah blah.”

Any Islamic person knows that by following Allah they will be put into heaven, as long as they follow the quaran (sp?). Thus meaning they cannot kill! They believe every christian, jewish, blah person will go to hell.

God is the same “person”, religions are based off of which ever messiah a person is following. aNd every prophetic religion is based off of Abraham.

Again it all comes down to interpretation.

Who says the 10 commandments were the first religious views… Judaism was around way before that shit.

And let me ask you then, from the first life forms ever, who decided that treating others the way you wanted to be treated," was the standard. I know if I was plopped on this earth, I would be dog eat dog till death.

This discussion can go nowhere good… but I intend on riding it till the lock…

this is the most ignorant statement in this thread.

you calling religion a joke is you saying anything that anyone ever believes in is a joke.

You believe in love? thats a joke

You think you’re going to get promoted and get that big raise? Sorry fggt not gonna happen.

Sabres are gonna win the stanley cup? better not hope that! hope doesnt exist! its a joke!

So you better not hope or believe in anything the rest of your life, Because it simply does not exist.

God doesnt need to “prove” to you that he exists, you simply follow and believe or you dont

We are nihililsts, we believe in NOTHING!!!

We wants ze money Lebowski or we cut off your johnson!!!

Jedi-ism is where its at son


Meh. Literal interpretation of the bible is for the weak minded sheep. It’s fine because it teaches good lessons to those sheep, but I’m above that.

saved :tup:

pretty much.

I don’t think any candidate should run on a specific religion (or lack their of). It has NOTHING to do with the job at hand.

Unfortunately religion means a lot to a lot of people though. As long as they outnumber those that don’t believe in it, it’s a crap shoot.

I have no problem with religious nuts (as long as their not blowing shit up), nor do I have a problem with atheists, just wish they wouldn’t preach their shit and let people believe what they want.

You are absolutely right in saying it’s all about how it’s interpreted, but the bible and the koran were both written by man, so that’s the first mistake. And I know not everyone of the Islamic faith is violent, that would just be ignorant to assume that, but have you actually read some of the koran? It doesn’t sound like you have, so find a copy online or wherever and take a look; you will be surprised just HOW violent it is. It seems like every other sentence has “will be slain”, “show no mercy”, etc in it.

You don’t have to be that far off the trail to interpret violent acts from that.

So that’s that? “Whoops, my bad”. “Well, you see, this guy Jesus was sending me the wrong information at the time and…well, you’re just gonna have to accept my apology. Sorry I killed all those people…can we put it behind us?”

Innocent people were killed by men “inspired by God” to do so. Now I can look through a $200 telescope in my backyard and see that those innocent were right. If it weren’t for science, those days would probably still be here. See what science did? It has proven religion wrong on so many accounts, so of course most religions are going to believe religion and science go “hand-in-hand”- they have no other choice.

What’s all this talk about God being a “He”? :mamoru:

I love how most the people in this thread say “It’s your right to believe what you want”, then follow it with “and this is why you’re wrong”.

THAT is why religion is wrong. Non-religious people are generally perfectly fine coexisting with religious people, won’t try to change a religious person’s mind, and won’t insult you because of your beliefs.
A religious person, on the other hand, will take great offense that you don’t believe in what they believe in, attempt to convince you why you should believe in what the believe in, and think less of you and possibly even insult/harm you for not believing.

I believe that people are entitled to believe whatever they want, which is why I refuse to dedicate myself to a religious faction that will attempt to brainwash me into thinking everyone else is wrong. That is my belief, so tell me that I’m wrong

Oh and btw, I’m not an atheist- I’m agnostic. I do not, however, believe in any of the non-sense made up by man to help me with my short comings or make me feel better about where my dead grandma is.

interpreting the islamic faith from an outside perspective im sure you will come across this, just as with anything. but i do agree with you on some aspects. if you watch anything having to do with islam, generally the people are very peaceful and “normal”. its a shame how people and religions are portrayed in the media

take the time to watch this video. maybe its true, maybe its not. its the message of the video

the comments are funny tho lol, and if you dont believe its true, you know that everything after 3:50 is basically true

btw im not religious. i dont go to church, i dont do anything “related”

i just hate ignorance

Jesus land is shrinking!:lol:
