I wonder when an Atheist, Agnostic, humanist will be able to run...

I dont believe in any one particular religion or maybe even religion in general. You can tout christianity all you want but at the end of the day if you were born in India you would be hindu, and if you were born in iraq you would have been islamic… and moreover if you were from these countries, you wouldn’t even think of “finding jesus christ”

every religion has their own “jesus christ”. all religion is basically the same, everything is based off of abraham (well prophetic atleast). most religions dont even use the word “God”, they just believe there is a higher up power and his message is conveyed thru their holy book and their messiah.

im sure there are “religious” people who go to church every week, follow everything, pray to nothing every day and still dont actually believe in God. As with what you said, some people are forced into religions because of their families, heritage and where they live

What scares me is that people would watch that video, read the story, and call it fact that God does exist. Coincidence or random chance is not fact.
And to believe that it IS true should be mildly disappointing to religious followers. Why? Because of all the power that this mighty “God” is supposed to possess, it spends its time making a professor drop a piece of chalk on his pants rather than the floor.

I understand the message, I see what it’s trying to get across. People need to stop confusing hope/chance with God working in mysterious ways. Hope doesn’t require God unless, that is, if you’re religious. Morals do not require God, that is, unless you’re religious. It’s all perspective on your beliefs, therefore no one and everyone is right.

lol theres also like 90,000 videos related saying how that video is fuckin dumb lmao

but people are quick to blame God and religion when shit does not go right for them or if things just plain suck. Even people who dont believe in God will say, “Oh why does this happen to me! there couldnt possibly be a God!” Blah blah blah.

this is a never ending conversation, im not trying to prove if God exists, nor do i care what any one believes. but to be narrow minded and tell another person that he does not exist and call them dumb for believing that he does is just shitty on their part

God: The Ultimate Scapegoat. Religion is meant to explain the unexplainable to those who simply can not live without an answer.

I agree with what you’re saying. I just believe that the unexplainable, sometimes, doesn’t need an explanation right away.
In time, some things will get an explanation (generally through science), and some things will (may) not.
There was a point in time when the moon was a God… and then we walked on it.
I actually lol’d a little at the peter pan reference to the Bible. Jesus walked on water, peter pan could fly, robin williams was a genie, and the men in black protect humans from aliens. They are all stories written by man. Does it mean they are either fact or fiction?.. That’s right, Peter, second star to the right and straight on till morning. Neverland.

It is indeed a never ending conversation, and I’m just killing time. I’m sure that there very well could be a god, I just don’t think a book written by only GOD KNOWS WHO (see what I did there?) should be used as factual evidence. In most ways, religions replicate tyrannical leaderships used to strike fear in the hearts and assume control of the masses, causing the weak and scared sheep to mindlessly follow the herd to wherever the shepherd instructs them.

So your saying, the moon is a God because it was mystery…
Then we walked on the moon, and we found out what it was so there is no longer a mystery? Everyone believes there is a moon, there is no proving the fact that there is a moon… if i dont want to believe there is a moon then i dont have to, even if it really is there

You have to believe in God for him to be there, if you dont believe in God then he is not there. Its just faith, nothing has to be proved, people dont have to convince others if there is a God.

Sorry i dont get what your saying…?

I think what I was getting at with the moon is that science seems to have a tendency, as it advances, to debunk religious theories. That is not saying there isn’t a God, it’s simply saying that it hasn’t been proven that there is or isn’t. It’s not alright to say, IMO, that God is real “just because”, then force that upon others. So really, in saying:

You have to believe in God for him to be there, if you dont believe in God then he is not there. Its just faith, nothing has to be proved, people dont have to convince others if there is a God.

you nailed it on the head. Even that, however, can be interpreted in different ways. You could say it in defense that there is a God, where I could say the exact same thing in defense that there isn’t a God.

So really… Don’t stop believin’, you’ve gotta hold on to that feelin.

I should probably stop on that for the night… I’ve got this wicked chest cold thing, and the codeine cough syrup is really gonna take this off the deep end.

edit: wow, this thread went waaaaay off topic. oops. :lol:

lol i know i was gonna say that like 4 posts ago lmao, i dont even remember what this thread was about haha

Organized religion is just an early twisted form of a judicial system based on guilt and eternal fear. As people change religious beliefs get twisted to how they see fit to use them. Instead of a life guide they become the best sold books of excesses ever.

Arrogance is what kills and creates growth among religious people the thought that they are above everyone who is not of their belief (even though they are all basically the same) is what brings people together and also creates war.

I despise organized religion, personally I think it will be the undoing of the world as we see it. Who knows what form it will be when it happens but, seeing how humans have this one HUGE problem with the thought of actually taking responsibility for ones actions. We will always have one form of religion around so that people have something of a “higher power” to blame things on.