Ice flies off your car, hits mine...who's at fault?

With the ice we had the other day…i had a solid 3/4 inch thick sheet on the roof and hood of the hatch…most came off in huge heavy sheets, all in one piece…was insane…

and on the way to school, i saw some drivers that hadn’t taken the time to get all the shit off their car…i saw huge huge sheets of ice flying way in the air, and then crashing back down onto the thruway and other moving cars…

i’m just curious, is it your responsibility to make sure such things dont fly off your car, damaging other cars? or if somebody were to be lazy and have ice hit my car, is it on my insurance?

and if somebody else’s car were to shoot ice at you and damage the car, how do you go about filing the claim or police report? you can’t just chase the person down…and they’re not going to know to pull over sine you’d obviously be behind them when/if it happened…

it didn’t happen to me but i can imagine it did happen several times recently…and it just pissed me off seeing these huge dangerous pieces of ice flying 15 feet in the air, coming down on people traveling 50+ MPH.

yes it is your responsibility and you can be ticketed

(you being the one who did not clean your car off)

^^hmm i didnt know that.


i was driving on the 90 the other day and a GTO came flying on from the on-ramp, cut me off and a huge ass sheet of snow flew off his car and hit my windshield. i had to slam on my brakes and i couldnt see shit. yeah it sucked.

yea i had one hit my gf’s windshield the other day too when we were in the car. i was wondering what to do had the windshield cracked or anything haha

there was a thread about this already, somone had the same question.

i believe that you are responsible for what flies off of your car how ever there also becomes the counter argument of if you manage to be hit by something like that you could have been tailgating.

hardly the case at all…that shit flies 15 to 20 feet up, and slowly comes down…drop a sheet of paper and tell me how fast it falls…obv ice is a bit faster, but a big sheet won’t drop that fast…i’ve been a good clip behind people and still had ice end up going over my head.

my biggest concern would be how do i go about going after the person…even if i do get next to them, get them to pull over, and try to get a police report…they can always deny it and it becomes the usual one person’s word vs the other

They may be at fault, but unless a cop sees it happen I seriously doubt you’re ever going to collect. Not like you can pull them over. And even if you do get them pulled over it’s just your word against theirs when the cops show up. If anyone every tried to claim that with me I’d just explain to the officer that my car was clear before I left and some asshole with a POS is trying to get me to pay to fix up his car.

Moral of the story… If you’re going to drive a car in winter keep a real good following distance if it’s covered in snow/ice, and keep a low deductible on your insurance.

I actually wondered about this earlier today. I had a ton of snow and ice on my car from overnight, and I brushed as much off as I could get, but a lot of it was frozen solid, and I wasn’t going to use the scraper against my paint. Then as I was driving the ice blocks came sliding off down onto my front/rear windshield. I wasn’t really sure what more I could have done to get everything off before I left.

happened to a co-worker of mine. on the way from roch to boston in a company van, a gigantic chunk of ice slid off the top of a semi and smashed his windshield. he had to stop so he couldnt get any plates or anything.

yeah its going to be hard to prove in court or anything as the evidence melts lol.


It absolutely would be the fault of the person’s car that the ice flew off.

yeah, I would have to say in most cases it is the drivers fault. However, in low-speed situations, the idiot would have had to be tailgating.

Then again, this falls under the same category as following behind a truck with the tailgate down and shit bouncing around. If it falls out and you get hit- you are a bigger idiot than the guy in front of you.

Sp how are you supposed to get ALL of the ice off? Not trying to be argumentative, but I haven’t done many snowy winters.

They are at fault, unless you have an independent witness your SOL tho… Good luck finding a car at 60mph that saw it and pulls over for you and knows the shit they have to go through just to get you your money.

Best thing to do is drive in the lane opposite of the wind and carry glass ins.