Ice Storm 2013?


suckers lol

LOL @ all the “OMG, HOW DARE WE GET BAD WEATHER IN WNY IN EARLY APRIL” in this thread. Did you guys just move here or something?

Glad I took my winter tires off, my summer tires aren’t showing belts…

:tup: :tup: hahaha

Meh…If i look outside and it looks like hell froze over…I am going to go back to bed and wait until it all melts by noon.

Should I be worried that my summer car is parked outside now? Don’t think anything can fall on it. I’ll probably move it farther in the open when I get out of work at 2am. Thought about leaving work on my lunch break to bring it back to the garage I store it in over winter.

Anyone see any salt trucks out yet actually salting? updates!!! Bueller?

not a sliver of ice in rochester. Very sad

once again, weather men have the best job ever.
wrong 9 times out of 10 and they still have their job

I’ve notice driving around this morning and water coming from the cars in front of me, most of the salt/all has been washed off the majority of roads. This week of rain has been awesome. heavy down pours ftfw! I’m not really seeing any salt stains showing on my windshield right now.

Just because you didn’t get it doesn’t mean they were wrong. Forecasts for stuff like this have regions and say possible because they usually affect a pretty small area.

What a joke, people act like the photos they took and the media the way it is, those were bad spots. lol It looks like that in Clarence on every single tree and bush, but jack shit on the roads or cars.

I saw a street cleaner out last night lol

I scared them with my threat.


You won’t catch me complaining about the forecast not being 100% true…I’m just super stoked I haven’t seen any salt trucks.

Exactly. I really did not want to deal with scraping 1/3" of ice off my car when I left work today, or idiots trying to skate their cars home.

The flooding is what people have to worry about now. I had a few people call me today and try and buy flood insurance for their homes close to the rivers and I can’t sell it to them because of a 30 day waiting period.

Nothing like planning ahead. :tup:

“I smell smoke, better buy some homeowners insurance”.

The best is the Hurricane insurance…they shut that down 72 hours prior to a suspected Hurricane in that area. Most of the people in NYC either didn’t have flood insurance/Hurricane insurance or they live on the ocean and they don’t offer Flood insurance to those people.