ice this weekend??

whats the laws about riding quads up here? Like do they have to be registered or what? Theyre illigal in jersey so we always just ran from the cops or i knew the cops… I wanna ride up here but i dont want my shit to get impounded due to lack of registration… So i stick to the woods near my house and my property… So whats the laws?

the same but ya gotta piss em off for em to take em,they ticket ya though

will they ticket me on the ice on lg for no reg?

What kinda tickets are we talking about? The one time i got caught in jersey i got, unregistered, uninsured, riding on a public road, using a roadway during a state of emergancy and running a stopsign… the cop was a real dick. Needless to say, it got impounded, but up here i see quads and snowmobiles pulling right up to stewarts and riding on the sides of the road and diping off into the trails, and cops seem like they dont care at all, they dont even look twice.

basically the same shit,maybe a impound

Probably not since youre not on a road or state land

yes they will esp in l/g if ne insurance they will hammer ya ,same fines and shit as no ins on a car

I didnt know that.
Insurance is optional on quads though. Ive got it on mine but most people dont seem to have it. Mine is also registered.

if on any land besides your own esp state ya need both esp insurance ,reg they will ticket for no ins will fuck ya

So I guess spending $130 for a year of insurance wasnt such a bad idea then.


if you really want it…you can have that and the gas tank for 150. Let me know.

I have raced up there for the past 4 years and never even have had a cop question me about riding on the ice…hell, 3 out of the 4 years I was up there my quad didnt even have a Vin number.

They wont bother you if its a race day/

if its a sanctioned race they wont but joyridin they will

The ice sure didnt look good today driving down the northway.

thats just standing water from the snow.

then you go on ahead and ride there this weekend… maybe you can bring some water tubes to put on your tires and float around on the water. :sHa_rofl:

yah…I will and I will post pics for yah

check this shit out…

damn, the weather says its going to be a high of 30* tomorrow, 17 tomorrow night and 34 saturday…that means all that water, will be frozen.


The ‘warm’ weather is supposedly going away this afternoon, after which, our regular ice riding weather will resume… :slight_smile: