Ideas on legally "hiding" my car!

lol, I meant “Gamble” on paper only

I thought marital law was state by state mandate. Chicago wouldn’t really pertain to NYS. I say try mediation/arbitration first. It is worth a shot at working out an agreement before spending a ton of money in the courtroom.

I can give names of some great people in Alternative Dispute Resolution if need be.

Dear God…

So do you call lawyers and ask them why your car won’t start? Because that would make just as much sense as this, probably more since you’re not putting incriminating plans on a public forum.

+120345098145089x10^12834109285987254 for divorce lawyer.

^^ thats a good idea.

cause she has to pay for her lawyer and shit too. so i bet she doesnt want to do that as much as you.

This reminds me…

Note to self: Love is bullshit, get a pre-nup.

she aint got shit. she wants all i got, most of the shit i have i acquired while we were married, so by the fucked up state of NY its all legally half hers. I am asking advice here maybe some ideas. at this point if it doesnt work, whats the worst that could happen!? I lose half of anything and everything anyways! Im gonna fight dirty, the dirty little fuck pig aint worth shit and i plan on sending the cunt packing back to south buffalo where she was hatched-broke and penniless like the way i found her!

If she has a lawyer and you don’t she’s going to make a fool of you. Just sayin.

i could be wrong, but from what i remember if she cheated on you while you guys were married and if you have proof you she wont get a dime. I forgot what its called tough.

Listen to what everyone is saying. Spend the money on a good lawyer. It will put you ahead in the long run.


Just spoke to my mother who went through a divorce, and had to have things divided up. (since her divorce was also very similar )

The reason for divorce (and kids) she said is usually the 2 major deciding factors on how much the other party gets. In your case as I described to her she said as long as you have a good attorney she won’t see much at all.

EDIT: also who filed for divorce you or her? And on the paperwork whats the reason.

What is the car, fox body Cobra? How much does she know about the car and it’s value? I would think in a court, it would show up as a, say, '93 Mustang. Any mods, condition, maybe even the fact that it’s a Cobra, she may not be able to prove. Base Mustangs, even so-so GTs have low blue book value. So sell it for a low, but not rediculously low amount to a family member or friend, and say you needed the cash. Say $2K. Get car back when the divorce is finalized. I’m not a lawyer, but that seems like the best bet.

What year/model is the car? I don’t want the mod list, just the registration info

Man i just sat here and though for a seecond about the situation. That is fucked up i cant believe she has the nerve to come after your shit after what she was doing. Thats fucked up. Oh and call a damn lawyer.

Oh yeah, and have this thread wiped out after you get enough info. It’s a small world…

sell it to someone and make sure they register it in thier name get a reciept for like a 100$ you will be in the clear

yeah go drop it at your parents house and get a bill of sale and all that, when you get back, tell her the mustangs engine blew up so you sold it for scrap price.

why not.

as far as anything else.

have your parents get a storage unit, and put your stuff in it.

if there no record of whut happened to it, then its gone

then say you sold it all to random people.

make sure she dosent check nyspeed aswell ahaha

I would just contract a hit on her…just sayin.


sorry about shit dude… sounds like bad times and I am hearin about this shit more and more… :tdown:

have you guys heard about the guy worth about 120 mil whos wife was fucking her tennis instructor (cliche as that is)… she took him for about half even though she admitted it court. 42 million plus all 4 houses, 8 cars ect. the numbers may be off slightly, but the point is the same…

im NOT getting married.

Report it stolen and hide it, then when the divorce is all settled some how you “find it” and then tell the police you found it and thats it. I hid a car for a family member before (5 months) and thats what we did.