Ideas on legally "hiding" my car!

There is alot of bad advice on here lol but also some good stuff. If cheating was grounds for her to get nothing then everyone getting a divorce would just say the other one is cheating…it doesn’t work that way. If the Judge is sympathetic then it could be considered a slight sway in his direction. She is entitled to half of the marital assests but he could buy her out of her half and also…with the car…you can’t hide assests. If he had the car before they were married then she won’t touch it, otherwise it gets complicated.

Wait so say i get married to some wealthy broad and go screwing around on her then file for divorce when she dosent like it. Do i get half of her shit?

Not if she was wealthy before you married her.

But i mean it works both ways is what i am asking i guess. Like the same for men and women right?


I had a buddy that had a similar situation with a boat. He stored his boat somewhere new. Then he bought a wrecked boat that was similar to his, had it towed to where he USED to store his boat. He took a chainsaw and cut the shit boat right down the middle, and sent pics to his ex with a note.


One word… Pinks

since no one has suggested it or wanted to do it…

give me the cobra…ill do the hit

Fry for President!

thats not entirely true either…

but seriously guy, do not ask us, we don’t fucking know anything - i assume you have an attorney, you must realize that he/she could help you more than this. you’re paying for his/her services, use them.

That’s a good story and all, but what happened after he did that?

she got the boat.

just have a yard sale then after everything get new stuff, my buddy did this i got a comp out of it, have someone else put the car into their name such as a relative ect