Woke up to a phone call from my supervisor saying “turn on the TV-we’re under attack”. Keep in mind I was in the military at the time…full body “WTF” happened.
this thread was right up my alley…knew i had to post.
thanks for the love lance
9th Grade CAD class. Didnt know what happened til 8th period when i got a call from my dad saying he was being activated to go to NYC for 6 WEEKS min.
12th grade, sitting in class.
crazy but i saw a study where most american people remember cartoons more than politicians. brainwashing imo
yeah right? I would happily gave my bikes away if I get to be 32 again…:rofl
I was at home omw to work, saw cnn showing tower on fire with unconfirmed report that a plane hit it.
I was doing an inspection on Dean St in Niskayuna for the Chief of Security for Knolls APL… He was called (pager) to work just before the 2nd plane hit… Always found that odd… BEFORE the 2nd plane hit. Who was thinking terrorism … I guess an Atomic Power Lab was.
Ended up in Kmart in Glenville watching TV since we canceled the rest of the days work.
I was sleeping on a day off.
Woke up just minutes before the second plane hit on TV. Was all groggy and shit going “WTF movie is this?” only to realize a minute later it was real :’(
Anyone watch any of the memorial documentaries on TV lately? Still gripping to this day for me to watch.
watched the 2nd plane go into the towers on TV. was sitting in school.
my aunt called in sick that day. was not present at work at the time of the attacks. lucky??
I was laid off from Bombardier sitting at home eating some lunch I believe lol.