If you did it again would you do it the same?

I owned a aw11. yes i have pushed my 240 to the limits. It was my opinion i dont see why your getting involved. Clearly it is about the driver but if I was to do it again that is my opinion. Why are you getting involved? So yes if I was to do it again I would do it differently. In my opinion i believe a stock sw20 would kill a stock 240 in almost everyway. That is MY opinion so don’t try to change it by asking me random questions about why I would praise a car when obviously there must be a reason.enough talk about mr2 vs 240sx I dont care anymore. If you dont have anything to say about the subject at hand but just want to attempt to bash me then shut up.Why dont you state your opinion on what you would do differently if you had to do it all over again.

A stock F430 will kill a stock SW20. What do I win now? Is it a cookie? Or just the pride of having a bigger e-penis than you? Or is e-penis only dependant on how fast one can download? Cause I can download pretty fast…
A stock SW20 is roughly 3-7 times the cost of a stock 240, depending on what year of 240 we’re talking about. It’s much closer to the price of a stock FD RX-7, which will whoop it’s ass by a ridiculous amount.

arghh. Stock mr2 is around 6500 or so. Stock s14 is around 6500. cost around the same. There is a mr2 on autotrader for 5500 obo or something. again like i said i dont care. It was MY OPINION. stop getting your back against the wall defending the 240 like mad. Do what you want but that is what I would do. leave it at that.

The one for 5500 is an N/A, I doubt it would beat a 240. Not defending the 240, if I were to “do it over again” I wouldn’t do it with an S chassis. But it sure as shit wouldn’t be an MR2, the car has very little potential, imo. And if I were doing an S chassis again, I’d get an S13 again, from Japan, prolly a coupe for the weight savings and stiffness.

yeah im saying a n/a mr2 and a n/a s14 240sx
if you want to compare a turbo mr2 to a s14 just compare it to a s14 with a stock SR, there about the same in price. give or take around 10 grand is what both cars go for. But again do what you want, think what you want.

I have to be honest, crsbb, your defence to all your “facts” was pretty bad. Just state something, and then when people prove that you’re wrong or they catch something, just say “it’s my opinion, it’s my this, my that”. But really, I was asking why you said MR is better than FR. If I remember, you never stated “In my opinion, MR is better than FR.”

All you said was “MR > FR”

So I asked you to tell me why because i’m a newb. And now you’re giving me all this emo shit about it’s my opinion, blah blah blah.

Next time, don’t state something as if it were a fact if it’s your personal opinion.
Just say, “In my opinion… etc”

I hope you learnt something from my post. :slight_smile:


$ 5,500.00
110,000 mi

thats a 1991 toyota so u are comparing the wrong years

1991 240sx u can get for what? 2000? i know alot of ppl who have picked up nice ones for 1500

u have to compare years condition etc…u cant just compare that my 1996 240sx is worth 6500 and a 1991 toyota mr2 is worth 6500 or 5500 w.e…

But if it was a fair comparison how would he win?

yeah i guess but thing is they only had mr2s in Canada till 93. So thats just why im comparing to s14. Just in my case i was comparing my s14 to a sw20 mr2. But enough about that. and again im not here to “win” i could care less about what you think. its just what i would do.

WTF? i still think MR is better than FR thats why I said MR > FR. Who can determine which is better for sure. You? No. i dont care if your a newb or not. You probably think FR > MR. I think MR > FR. there you think what you want ill think what I want. Im not gonna magically think that FR is better than MR just because of your weak ass comments. I dont think FR is better and I sure as hell dont want you to attempt to show me why you think it is. As i posted so many times before in this thread i dont care. Think what you want and I will think what I want. No more posting about mr2 vs 240sx. This was such a good thread. mods i dont know if you can clean this shit up so it goes to before i posted MR > FR. Thats just what i would have done is get a mr2

Nobody gives a fuck what you think is better. The point is you said FR cars are more likely to spin out because they don’t have good balance like MR2s. BUT that’s wrong, yes FR and FF cars arn’t usually as well balance, but the majority of the time it makes them plow, understeer, not spin out. And to top it all of, 2nd gen MR2s have a bad tendency of oversteer, spinning out, what you are trying to claim they do less of, because it’s MR. It’s not about what you like better, or is even a better car, it’s about you posting opinions as facts.

Hey Mark…

In my opinion…AWD > *

PS. My opinion is factual.

haha cal, if life were like that, there wouldn’t be wikipedia.org

Who do you think wikipedia.ord get their info from?

no care anymore > me
240’s must absolutely be the best cars by far on the road today. There must not be anything better, for anyone. I don’t see how i was so blind before. econo box sports car ftmfw

Dude, if you really don’t care, then just stop posting. No one said there’s nothing better than a 240. Next time don’t be an idiot and state your opinions as if it were facts. Stop being so emo.

On another note:

Dude, if you ever run for any sort of office, I’m SO voting for you.