August 3, 2006, 3:04pm
my ignition is stuck in lock
how the hell do i unlock it again?
this happened happened to me since i first bought a 240.
i was told to move the wheel a bit but that didnt work.
help soon, i just got ym new starter in and am waiting to turn the motor over.
turn the steering wheel and turn the key at the same time, fiddle with it till it works…i think the steeringwheel goes to the left then u turn the key
August 3, 2006, 3:42pm
yeah tried that
just had a new key made fo the car, but ti towuldnt be that cuz w esued the key code for that specific car.
my steering column is not bolted up right now, i can only turn the wheel a little.
does it need to be bolted on so i can turn the wheel more?
have u tried ur old key?
keys arent always 100% to fit
August 3, 2006, 3:58pm
if i had my old key then i wouldnt have had a new one made
lol well usually u have the original, and a spare that u use daily, thus i thought u had a spare cut to use instead of the original
how do they cut the keys without another key?
had the same problem today you gotta really fiddle with the steering wheel till it unlocks,try steering it in one direction to another while turning the key.worked for me.
I hate how you have to press a button to get the keys out lol
August 3, 2006, 5:11pm
lol i couldnt agree more
they use the key code. its in your glove box
its tells then whcih angles to cut and which cuts to make.
August 3, 2006, 7:25pm
is there any other way to unlock it?
ive had two people lok at it now and nobody can unlock this bitch.
before i lost my keys a few days ago, i yturned it over and when i pulled the key out i must have put it back into lock.
then i had these new keys made and now i cant get it to unlock. these new keys work the hatch and doors fine.
August 3, 2006, 7:40pm
break tha steering lock, and hot wire that shit!
August 3, 2006, 7:45pm
for real. im so pissed. its one thing atfter another witht his car.
any ideas guys?
August 3, 2006, 7:48pm
i guess take it to one of those lock smith guys?
iunnoo if they can do anything tho, but they are key pross
August 3, 2006, 8:50pm
hey yeah i have had that same problem. smash yoursteering wheel from side to side, smash your shifter up and down, and if those dont work roll your car a bit back and then it usually works. Dont ask the logic behind it, it just works 8)
August 3, 2006, 11:32pm
pull the key out a tiny bit (one notch) and try to turn it… that’s how mine works. :dunno:
August 4, 2006, 9:28am
Was your car an automatic before the swap?
August 4, 2006, 4:06pm
i had a bad incident with breaking a steering lock…
i dont suggest you do it.
August 4, 2006, 7:22pm
dts waht happened and what did you do? if you dont mind sharing
anyways, how do i remove the ignition coluimn so i can bring it to a locksmith and have em make a key?
never done anythign like this before so bare with me.
had the same problem today with an NX. customer brought it by today, i took it for a spin, and when i went to repark the car, it was stuck. also had it stick once in my S14.
you have to be aggressive with the steering wheel. just push and pull, side to side, away from and towards you, up and down. go nuts, and it should unlock. being gentle with it will do nothing. (believe me, i know)