ignition timing

ok well now my sr is in, but i had to change my cas cause i broke the plate in my previous accident. and well now i serach for how to get ignition timing but i cant figure it out.

cylinder #1 top dead center, then ther eis two dots on the cas what one do i line up with the mark on the side of the block.

just general ignition timing would be great guys. the mechanical timing is stilll good

Heavythrottle has the procedure for setting up the CAS.

whats teh link my kind sir?!?!!?! i need to get it set tonite

why dont you try and be creative… take “heavythrottle” add in a www. and then a .com and I’ll bet you a cookie it works :wink:

damn that better be a choclate chip cookie or even a white choclate macamian nut cookie, yea i got it thanks all i hope i effin get it rite i wanna drive this thing