I'll be on WHLD (1270 AM) this morning- 10 am

props for being the bigger man.

bikes in the road are good with me as long as they friggin’ look where they’re going

i have crumple zones, you ARE a crumple zone…

no I’m not one of those asses. I try to stay out of everyone’s way.
I try to ride on the streets off to the side when I can… and when there’s no room or too much traffic and I think I might get hit, I go on the sidewalk.
when I’m on the sidewalk, I make sure to give pedestrians the right of way because it’s not my domain…and if that means pulling over and waiting, saweeet.

Awesome. How was the radio gig?

This is why I ride on the sidewalk… :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t consider a bike a motor vehicle. Just a faster pedestrian.

TFB… :stuck_out_tongue:

i drive my jeep on the sidewalk all the time :gotme:

no really i do

Penny pic or ban. :wink:

The segment was good. I just read what I’d been working on for the past couple of weeks and they clapped at the end. I was nervous and messed up a few times… probably because now I know about how many people are listening. (The station has a reach of 4 million listeners… they estimate about 35,000 people tune in). I have high hopes for next week.

I ended up going on the critical mass ride that evening which was just CRAZY. I’ll probably never do it again but it’ll be a good story. A lot can happen in a two-hour ride.

Tune in next week… that’s what I’ll be talking about next Friday morning.

Pictures of the better, second half of the ride:

i recall a particular incident driving out of a particular mobil parking lot, driving on a particular sidewalk.


LADY!! Watch out!! there’s a blue car of DOOM behind you!!



How about a story now?


I got to City Hall around 5:45 and met a few people… stood around for a bit. Then everyone rang their bells and we started off. I knew one of the guys from Buff State, Nathan…and rode with another guy who works at Rick Cycle Shop named Jason who was super cool… told me about what typically happens on a critical mass ride, told me to hang in the back just in case we needed to break off from the extreme people. I’d say we had around 40-50 people. maybe 60… which really is a lot of people to have on bikes.

Some little kids joined in in the beginning of the trip. the front crowd was very bold and would block cars at intersections so the whole group could get through. We saw a city bus almost run about 6-8 people over… and a PT cruiser with chrome everything plow right through. The lady in the passenger’s seat asked, “ Are you riding for any purpose?” and Jason replied, “ Just to be a-holes.” She laughed.

We were in a big bunch in the beginning and then about half way in, over on the west side somewhere, the back group stopped and let the front group continue on. I didn’t want to continue with them because I didn’t want to be associated with that complete ridiculousness any longer. The point of critical mass is not to kick cars, get run over and disturb traffic… it’s to say “Hey, we’re here too. Respect the traffic laws and don’t hit us.”

So the good group was left sitting there…we decided to have our own well-behaved critical mass. It was about 1/4 critical mass at that point. It was a pleasant ride after that… no beeps or disturbances. No angry people yelling at us. That was when I actually felt like we had a right to the road.

The beginning was a giant evil mess and the end is what I thought it should be like… a nice ride, following the rules of the road…2 hours of mostly fun. I must’ve ridden 20 miles total that day… it was interesting but I’ll probably never do it again. I’m really not an anarchist or a weird deviant trying to prove a point like most of them were.

It’s kind of sad that critical mass can’t be a more organized behaved event… if it were, it would be more accepted and I bet more people would show up.

he may not have money but mommy and daddy might or they may have home owners insurance which would in a situation like this

I’m on again this morning, everyone.

we have a guest on for the second half of the show, but I’ll be talking about my experience at Critical Mass last friday at some point during the first part… 10-11 a.m.

so yeah, 1270 AM. tune in, it might be interesting.

Would that really fall under home owners though??

I’m trying to get this POS radio tuned in. if so, you could give a shout out to nyspeed, advertising cars for bikers :biglaugh:

good luck, kick some ass. :slight_smile:

hmmm ill be in my work truck, ill prob tune in