I'll be on WHLD (1270 AM) this morning- 10 am

hahaah. very funny.
thanks tho. I’ll try to kick some ass. if that’s even possible on AM news radio.

…definitely had to ride my bike downtown in the rain. I hope I don’t cough.
ooooo, the suspense.

:c )

Jannys on now! hah

good job jan. too bad your co-hosts trivialized the whole deal. yes, I listened to the whole solioquy, just couldn’t stand some of the music ( :smiley: ) or the whole political agitprop associated with the program.

I just wanted to hear your take on bike rider’s rights in the city and elsewhere :tup: question - do you think that either one of your two groups had an impact on driver’s thoughts about bicycle riders on city streets? did you use any sort of banners or shirts so people knew what was going on?

it sounds to me that if I encountered the first group (holding up open lanes so that all the bicyclists could pass and such) that it wouldn’t, uh, “enhance” my positive thoughts on rider’s rights to the road. just the opposite, in fact. am I right or wrong here, what with blatant disregard for motorists rights? sounds counterproductive.

anyway, the second group had the right idea, showing how it should work, so congrats on staying with them.

i listened was interesting :tup: to you jan…HOWEVER, :tdown: to the music they randomly play…it sucks

I talked about cyclist’s rights last week… this was a followup to last week.
there are no banners or tshirts… at least that I saw… it’s a very disorganized event.

it sounds to me that if I encountered the first group (holding up open lanes so that all the bicyclists could pass and such) that it wouldn’t, uh, “enhance” my positive thoughts on rider’s rights to the road. just the opposite, in fact. am I right or wrong here, what with blatant disregard for motorists rights? sounds counterproductive.

damn, I should’ve used that word. very counterproductive. it doesn’t make sense to say " respect our right to the road" by disrespecting motorists’ right to it by blocking intersections and kicking cars.

anyway, the second group had the right idea, showing how it should work, so congrats on staying with them.

yeah, it was definitely the right thing to do.

We got a few more calls after the segment ended as well… guess I caused some controversy by saying what I did about critical mass.

well, if they keep on keeping on, they’ll find that shooting themselves in the foot won’t get them very far.

I also write freelance scripting :smiley: seriously though, I was tempted to call in and make some commentary on the situation. we used to build bikes and sell them as a hobby, and I used to ride some freestyle (20" dyno compe with some vfr add-ons, sc steve might remember that bike, brought it to school when I was too poor for a car) and it pissed me right off that I couldn’t ride it anywhere without eyes in the back of my head.


you should’ve called… the only people who called in disagreed with me.

if you are doing another segment next week about it, I’ll do my best to give a shout on break. :wave:

yeah, a critical mass wouldn’t improve my attitude on bikes in the road. geez man, there’s enough stuff out there already to worry about without bikes everywhere downtown. but whatever tho, not my cup of tea :slight_smile: