I'll take this as a mission shift 518 video

im not a nut swinger of any of those three but id deff wear a shirt lol

Which is why I always do my own work… own camera, own editing, own ideas, etc.

For real, I think we should just let Ross do it since he stepped up first before stockcarboy felt the need to step in and think he was making something official when Ross had it under control (IMO). Ross completely took it upon himself to make that cool little video of the Prelude & SRT-4, I think he should be able to take the credit for making the rest of the Shift518 videos since he seems like he knows what he’s doing.

Ill make shift518 bash videos


Ive got a little lipstick cam that hooks to a camera via cable. The cable is pretty long and I think it could be cool to mount that thing up in some interesting locations to get some odd angled shots.

I’m sure Ross could incorporate that little gem.

One camera dude, same techniques, do a few cars each weekend and then edit it all together mid-end season.

maybe you could be a narrator for the video if your used to talking on video?

i think many videos might be cool if there a little differnt we could use a old photo colors or some special efects . theres not going to be one person everyware to get videos so if we get alot of videos from alot of people we have more than just what 1 person can do.

any one know ware i can find a video camera i can fiance or rent ? my digi cam zoom sucks its only 5x zoom but its 8 mega pixel so the perfect lite videos are really good.

If its ok with everyone i would video tape if noone want to
i just bought a rca-usb cable to convert my sony camcorder to digital video and it takes awsome videos . i would be taping everything i can . if anyone has a idea or if there going to dyno or any other cool video let me know we could get it on tape my # (518)451-6159 jeremy . if you text message i have unlimited text sometimes its easyer

hey dick the reason why i jumped in and we talked about it . we are working together to get the best we can. he dont care so u shoudent im not trying to take anything over asshole im trying to see that it gets made. If it will make u happy i dont want my name in the video at all i just want to see it made and i want to see my car in it just like everyone els so you should thank me not critisize me. i willing to do the work with nothing in return but self accomplishment.

that sounds good.
If anyone would rather video tape i will still help find locations keep my ear open for local events to cover then contact the camera man . but if they want to do it we need contact info pm rossA4 or me so we can be on the same page .

I have two helmet/oncar cams as well.

if we can get this going we should ask to make it a sticky topic untill we have all the video done. so people can find dont have to search for it to post local events to be filmed or there own events that they think should be filmed . thats a idea if we want some nice street racing video we or i could always use my helmit cam to video tape. the bikes will keep up in the corners or even a quarter mile that would make for some good video

no clue what this thread is about, all i read was video shoot and something about needing equiptment or some shit… I got 2 suctioncup camera mounts for mounting a cam outside of the car, and a cage mount… If theyre needed let me know

Not everyone wants their cars in it…I don’t want mine in it. IMO only the fast ones should be in it. like 120mph+ players, & ETs 11.5>
Right now it’s turned into a jumblefuck and I don’t see it going anywhere like it’s being projected to go.

see new thread http://shift518.gom-host.com/showthread.php?t=8479