I'll take this as a mission shift 518 video

My cars going to be on the dyno again this weekend. I will video tape it.

are you going to be down at the lot saturday night??

this saturday i will be at the lot after i put the intercooler in

Travis is loving this “Three Kings” idea hahaha.
If I can have some input, you could have “shitty” drawings of Ray, Ryan, and I, sort of like the three guys from Pep Boys.

Can I be a member of a fan club about me?

Yes, you can be an official member of a fan club about yourself.

I’m liking the Pep Boys idea, can anyone on here draw for shit? We could have the serious shirts for dinners/clubs, etc, and the silly ones for more casual get-togethers.

I dunno If you guys can see this, but QB2productions has made some sick Vette/Supra vids for SF.com

I’ve talked with him before, about the camera, and he has some sick ideas:

Dallas Performance:

without reading this stupid long thread…

I don’t think shift518 should put its name on anything without seeing the product first.

video contest?


wtf is this three kings crap? heads blended into each other?

this is ridiculous :rofl

How about we make a video to put on the internet.

And that’s it.


I seriously fell off my chair laughing this morning. WTF :rofl

I can see what I can Photochop up for a t-shirt design if you guys get me the pictures…

yea everything will have to be cleared by the creator of this fourm and others were geting film all summer and puting the film together after we fell we have enough quality film . track day videos, drag races, if someone gets a drift scene going ,dyno. rossA4 wants to do a car scene documentory it is a awsome idea!

we def. need a name so people can recognize us with, just like mofobuccs, people know who he is because they recognize the name, if we get to use shift518 i think that will be huge for us, i dont see why vlad wouldnt let us, its just making his site bigger


I think this three kinds idea is retarted lol

get permission to use shift518, and thats that. Three kings is Lame.

I’m interested. When my car is all done up, I really do want some footage (rolling, cruising, etc.) to keep as a memory for when I’m 80years old in 2067 lol.

I know how to use Pinnacle video editing software to make DVD menu’s, etc. I put my parents Israel trip from VHS onto my PC and then onto DVD. Have to do my sisters wedding soon too.

Will do, only if Three Kings is nowhere near this whole ordeal. If we do Three Kings though we should all put baby jesus emblems on our hoods.

Three kings idea better remain just a talk of the forum, if somebody gets serious about it, I’ll give up on society alltogether.

Jeremy, PM me we can talk details, I’ve got some good info for ya :wink:

I have Friday off from work. If its going to be nice, I will create a sample video and you guys can tell me if you like it or not. I used to make a shitload of videos back in the day of cars and bikes and shit, but they never were as good as I would have liked because I always had someone else filming and they sucked.

I also took TV productions in HS… I used to be a host on the morning show on the TV. lol

Listen guyths, we don’t need six different people editing one vid.

and the vid is going to look ghetto as hell if there’s footage from 12 different cameras on it.

We need one dude to get vids, one dude to edit.

i totally agree… i am definitely willing to put in the time on editing… and we need to decide whos camera were going to use… and we need to keep the people workin on this to a minimum cause with more people it will turn into a cluster… with that said…im working on ideas and what not of what i think we need… as for now ill take the lead role on the project.
